The Apple Watch: Not Worth It? | Teen Ink

The Apple Watch: Not Worth It?

March 21, 2016
By dta20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
dta20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Last summer, Apple released a brand new device, and I don’t just mean another iPhone or iPad, I mean an entirely new device. They call it the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is what Apple calls their most “Personal” device yet, in a nutshell, it’s a digital watch that comes with a wide array of features to help make your life easier. But is it worth it? Is it actually that convenient? Though it does make your life somewhat easier, it also comes with a number of inconveniences that would probably offset the conveniences.

This watch has a number of features, including the standard digital watch features, it also comes with a world clock, so you can check the time of anywhere, like Paris or London. The watch is equipped with the call and text feature so you won’t have to take out your phone every once in awhile to do your texting, and a speech to text factor on the texting app is exceptional. Checking emails with a watch is now possible through the Apple Watch. It can even play music. Apple also added a fitness app to it, so those people who are looking for a fitness device would also find comfort with the Apple Watch. Even though the factors above do add up to a promising device, it still has problems that would prove annoying and inconvenient.

From my experience, although the Apple Watch is a beautiful device with all these of “smart” features, it’s just a normal watch without a phone, which means you’ll have to spend even more money to get yourself an apple phone if you don’t already have one. In addition to this, the battery life is horrible, what kind of watch needs to be recharged every single night? In addition to this, the watch depends on your phone, so even if you completely charge your Apple Watch to full battery, if your phone is dead, your watch become like any normal watch. Some people would buy this for convenience. Normally it's considered rude if you check your phone during an event, but it's considered even more rude if you check your watch.  The final reason is, that price tag is insane, a device that straps onto your wrist that tells the time and occasionally receive emails with a price tag of $400 and over is not worth it. You can probably get yourself a cheaper watch that can still do everything the Apple Watch can.


Overall, the Apple Watch is a beautiful device with several built-in features that could make your life easier, but the watch is completely dependent on the iPhone, which means it’s completely useless if you bought it standalone. Another annoying part of this watch is that you have to charge it every night, which brings a question, why would you want to buy something that exchanges a few conveniences for more problems? If you’re buying this as a piece of jewelry, go for it, but if you’re looking for a convenient companion that would help ease your life, you’re better off to just go and use that $400 on something else.

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