Are Cell Phones Safe? | Teen Ink

Are Cell Phones Safe?

March 9, 2016
By rrb21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
rrb21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since cell phones became a popular form of communication, concern has risen about the effects of the radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by cell phones and the changes in behavior caused by constant use of cell phones. RF radiation has been associated with with cancer and other negative effects on the human body. There has not been enough long term research that proves that RF radiation is safe and all short term studies have shown a consistent pattern between cell phone use and brain tumors. Exposure to cell phones at a young age has shown to cause behavioral effects. Some may say that exposure to RF radiation has been happening for a long time and there has still not been a considerable association between amount of exposure to RF radiation and cancer. There are multiple reasons that prove that cell phones are not as safe as they seem.


Over that past two decades research done on the effects of RF radiation, the radiation emitted by cell phones and other electronics, has shown that prolonged exposure to RF radiation near the head increases the risk of glioma, a type of brain tumor. When a cell phone is put next to the head the RF radiation can penetrate 4-6 centimeters into an adult brain. Children are at a higher risk of brain tumors because children have smaller heads so the RF radiation emitted invade further into the brain that it would an adult. Children are also still developing their nervous systems which also puts younger teens and kids at a greater risk of developing a tumor. Studies done by the European Union, in 2004, and the Journal of Neuro-Oncology
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF radiation as a possible carcinogen. Most research done on RF radiation associates it with cancer but RF radiation has also been linked with multiple negative effects on the human body. RF radiation studies have shown that Cell phone storage in the front pockets have been linked to poor fertility and higher chances of miscarriage and childhood cancer. Numerous studies have shown that radiation from cell phones can damage DNA and genes. RF radiation can become a monstrous problem when it comes to long term health.

Using cell phones at a young age can cause long term effects. One of those effects is behavioral problems. Studies done on pregnant women and children under the age of seven prove that exposure to RF radiation can cause effects like behavioral problems. Using cell phones at a young age can cause stress from too much contact or little to no contact. Using a cell phone can increase the chance of being cyberbullied or peer pressured and can make kids too reliant on technology. Cell phones can also become an addiction.

Some people might argue that cell phones are safe. Some of the population might argue that there is no solid proof of RF radiation and brain tumors. This is because the latency period of tumors can range from 10-20 years and cell phones had only become a popular source of communication in the last 15 years. Others might argue that a cell phone can be used in emergencies. While that might be true in some cases, like when someone is injured, in most cases having a cell phone can cause an emergency, it gives criminals a reason to rob people.

Overall, cell phones have dangerous side effects and can leave behind permanent damage. They emit RF radiation, which can cause cancer, they can be the reason behind behavioral problems, and they also can be the cause of a mugging. While cell phones are a convenient way of communicating, they are also a convenient way of deteriorating the human body.

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