The Power of Music | Teen Ink

The Power of Music

February 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Music is one thing that can truly define a person.  By listening to someone’s favorite song, his or her true colors almost always shine through.  People that have similar musical interests seem to befriend each other and form cliques.  This has become a more prevalent issue as time goes on and more and more genres of music are created.  Suddenly, a question presents itself: does music dictate who we are friends with? Some people would beg to differ; however, others would wholeheartedly agree. I tend to side with the latter. 

For example, my friend group enjoys spending our time jamming in my basement to rock and the blues, or as some might describe it — dad rock.  Since we are all interested in the same type of music, we use a lot of our time together bonding over it and strengthening our friendship through music.  If we did not share the same musical interest, I do not think we would have become friends.  I believe that this is why music describes people. 

It seems as though most of the times I reminisce about the old times I have had with my friends, it always comes back to the same thing: sitting in the basement playing Clapton, laughing at each other, and talking all about our lives.   We debate for hours on end on which guitar solo would be the hardest to recreate, who is the best at the instrument they play, and which album is the best overall.  Without music, we would have nothing to talk about, therefore no reason to see each other. 

This is a recurring pattern throughout our lives.  In movies and TV shows, the characters that share music interests are always around each other.  Everyone knows the scene from the classic movie Wayne’s World when they are in the car belting out “Bohemian Rhapsody”.  These characters could not have been that bonded with each other if they did not have music stitching them together at the seams.  This is the same for every group of colleagues because there is nothing as strong as the power of music.

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