Dont wannabe a wannabe | Teen Ink

Dont wannabe a wannabe

May 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Deep down we all crave rebellion, acceptance, and yes swag. But I speak for many of us when I say very few people are impressed by a wannabe gangster these awful, loud, overconfident wannabes. They strut, sag their pants, act like gangsters this is my pet peeve and there are many reasons to it which are all explained here but my three main reasons which are their styles, their behavior and sometimes violent nature, and the futures that they are paving the way for.

Pants are a no brainer, we wear them every day, most of us get it right, but not a wannabe gangster. A typical wannabe gangster is someone who is noisy, cocky, and braggadocios. These are people who sag their pants, wear their hats backward, talk with an intentional slur, and brag about their so called swagger. One the signs of gang involvement stated in the gang warning signs is sagging of pants or obsession with that kind of trashy gang style (Gangs & School Violence). We see these people who strut and speak like they are better than others because they pretend to be something they are not.
Although it’s not just the looks or how annoying they act. The people who impersonate gangsters are more likely to actually get involved in school violence, do drugs, and yes even gangs. Many of these people ignore school completely, cutting classes, disrespecting teachers, and flunking classes. They are unwittingly setting themselves up for a future of poverty, mediocrity, and possibly crime. None of us want these futures for you I write this only so you wannabes can understand my point. I know why you act this way like I said before deep down everyone wants swag.

No broad generalizations are intended here, there are many wannabes who get good grades, stay out of trouble, and of course act like wannabes. I write this for the attention seeking teens ruining their futures just because b they think it makes them cool. Some people just think the look is cool and I see their point fashion in general is a debatable subject but I speak for many people when I say we are not impressed by your dirty, smelly, hanging out underwear.

I say all this in the hopes that any wannabe reading this will rethink their futures and maybe even their look. I’m not trying to insult anyone these are just points I felt needed to be made. Although I know that there is nothing I can do to make you completely change who you are which by the way wasn’t my intention I can only hope you maybe put a little thoughts into the words on this page because after all who doesn’t want a little swag?

The author's comments:
After many years in highschool and middle school i see these people every day and everyone i know agrees with all these statements its that i hate wannabe gangsters because i dont i simply disagree with their behavior and how it affects themselves and others.

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