Teen opinion essays on movies, music and TV | Teen Ink

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By apps+102607499882.100000217178921.b79d76374bc07af0ac7c96d4a3b73b BRONZE
Southlake, Texas

How easy is it to miss the old days? The days when rock music of any sub-genre was its own sect that was subject to only be heard by those who knew it locally? Personally, it’s tha...
apps+102607499882.100000217178921.b79d76374bc07af0ac7c96d4a3b73b BRONZE, Southlake, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In times like these, it is helpful to remember that there are always times like these

Lonesoldier GOLD, Winona Lake, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tough girls come from NY. Sweet girls come from Louisiana. Prissy girls come from California. BUT INDIANA GIRLS have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride dirt bikes, be a princess, throw left hooks, pack heat, bake a cake, change a flat, hang a light and if we have an opinon, you're......going to hear it!!"

By MProcker13 BRONZE
Latrobe, Pennsylvania
MProcker13 BRONZE, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To have things you've never had, you must do things you've never done"

Tharic BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
emmatheballerina GOLD, Tacoma, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is not in our greatest glory in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall"
"I use to want the words "she tried" on my tombstone, now I want "she did it"

Wildflower30 SILVER, Kolkata, Other
8 articles 0 photos 88 comments

Favorite Quote:
Create your own sayings, for only then do they make sense most. ---- Me

By That_One_Guy BRONZE
Carrollton, Texas
That_One_Guy BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there is nouthing to fear but fear itself...and spiders" "that's what she said"

Duffster SILVER, Jounieh, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I am who I am and people can think what they think"- Hilary Duff

By Tess Cullen BRONZE
New York, New York
Tess Cullen BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments