Move On | Teen Ink

Move On

April 16, 2013
By Anonymous

“Hey, Mark, come over here right now!” I yelled.

“What’s going on man?” he replied.

“Let’s settle this thing, right here, right now.”

Mark took my girl from me. He didn’t even ask me if it was okay, he stole her like stealing candy from a baby. I know she wants to be with me and not that monster. I don’t understand why she is not coming back to me. I mean she finally met a man that’s gonna put her first, I would always put her second, we all know that first is the worst. She’s probably afraid to leave him because he will devour her like a fifty cent hot dog from the gas station, monsters will eat anything. I have to teach Mark a lesson; that you should never steal candy from an angry baby.

“Andrew, do we really have to do this?” Mark questioned.

“Yes. I’m going to show your face that it don’t break even, no. Your face will look like a puzzle when I’m done with you, have fun putting it together.” I took a swing at him but I missed, I had something in my eye. I tried several more times, but the sun was so bright it was hard to see where he was, it’s like I was fighting on the sun.

“Andrew, I’m sorry to do this to you, but I have a date with your ex-girlfriend in five minutes,” he raised his fist.

Next thing I knew, Mark hit me right in the stomach. “Oh I’m falling, falling! Mark I am sorry, help me, I’m falling to pieces!”

“No, I just knocked the wind out of you; you will be okay in a while.”

“But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding!” I looked around my body, oh, I wasn’t bleeding. I’m still alive but I’m barely breathing. Maybe mark was right, I will be just fine in a few minutes.

“I have to go now, see you later Andrew,” Mark said as he causally walked away.

I stood up and it smelled like hot dogs. I made my way out of the alley and into a store to grab some ice cream. I just don’t understand, I thought I would be able to win her back. I prayed to a God that I don’t believe in to make her like me again; I guess his magical spell didn’t work, I even added ‘abracadabra’ at the end of the prayer instead of saying ‘amen’. Empty prayer’s are like empty promises, they just leave you feeling empty inside. Everyone is out to harm me, but I’ve never done anything wrong. They treat me like a mosquito, hitting at me all the time like I don’t have any feelings.

Now, I don’t have my girl, don’t have my friend and after the fight he robbed me of my honor, cause when a heart breaks it don’t break even. Now what am I supposed to do, I have nothing left because you have taken it all with you? I would not mind losing you so much but I can’t afford to lose everything. I’m glad to see that you are so happy but my life is falling to pieces, even empty prayers cannot hold it together. So why are you able to be happy while I am stuck paying the price for our relationship that you messed-up? Shouldn’t the heart break be even? I know I would feel better if I knew you were suffering too, or if I had someone to share the misery with. Wait, do you have a friend that I can date?

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