To Make a Better World: My World, My Future | Teen Ink

To Make a Better World: My World, My Future

February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

According to Quantum Mechanics, I exist in the multiverse. A, B, C are three versions of I.

In Universe A, I have been helping the handicapped, but I did not realize its impact until last year. I fractured my leg and experienced the world in the shoe of the disabled. Fortunately, I have recovered but many people are forever trapped there. I was one of them, so I devote myself to helping the disabled. To build a better world means to reduce their trouble.

In Universe B, I am an accomplished scientist and physician. I have integrated nanotechnology with synthetic biology and invented wonderful prostheses at affordable prices. As a consummate surgeon, I perform operations to install patients with advanced prostheses. Their regained healthy life gives me an enormous sense of satisfaction. To build a better world means to return normal life to them.    

In Universe C, I am a billionaire. I have founded a charity institution named “Sweet Life” to help people with leg problems. I work with the best surgeons and myriad volunteers to provide free operations to patients all over the world. To build a better world means to eradicate the disease from the earth.

At the borderland of the universes, the three Is meet.

A laments: “I only reduce the trouble of the handicapped, but you,” he points to B, “eliminate their trouble.”

B responds to A, “you have planted the seeds of kindness in people’s hearts; they grow and prosper. You make people feel they are living in a big family.” He turns to C, “I only help some people, but you help all the people!”

C smiles at A, “you have awakened kindness in people and made it shine”; then to B, “your knowledge has solved the problem. I have merely amplified your deeds.”

The three versions of I in the multiverse epitomize my efforts to “make a better world” from the past, present, and future. In fact, my future world is also our world. As long as we devote ourselves to helping others during our whole life, we are bound to produce a significant influence on the world. The three Is in different universes, also mean that, as long as people from different walks of life work together, we are bound to make a better world!

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Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

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