oops!sorry | Teen Ink


July 21, 2013
By Anonymous

it happened when i was in class two.
i had a serious pain in my stomach.so my mother took me to the hospital which was quite far from our resident.Surely,it was one of the best hospitals of the country.So,after a quite long journey,we arrived at the hospital.we were standing st the corridor,waiting for my dad.Suddenly,my mom took me to a lady who was standing next to the corridor.my mother introduced me with her,saying that the lady is an actress!Surely she was one of the most popular actress of the country.My mom said that the lady is her friend's sister in law's friend's cousin.the lady was quite happy to see me and started to talk with me.she talked with me as like as a play group baby for a long time.But,unfortunately,as she was talking like a baby,i did not understand a stupid thing!So i just asked her after ten minutes,"oops!sorry,please can you repeat whatever you said for the last nine minutes?'

The author's comments:
i just came out to write it!

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