Racial Intolerance | Teen Ink

Racial Intolerance

February 11, 2013
By Dominic07 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dominic07 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever made any jokes with your friends? Sadly, many people have, and just for the record, they are not funny. This is a very serious matter that we have to put an end to immediately. People with racial differences are being harassed at work and school. Their rights are being taken away purely because of race, and they are stereotyped like there is no tomorrow.

A lot of people discriminate against people with racial differences in many unethical ways. It is not right or just to harass someone based on their race. People harass people of different races in many horrible ways.. They harass them with indiscreet racial slurs. An example of this is talking in a Jamaican accent. When you say “mon” after everything, it is racist. It might not seem bad or racist, but it is. It is offensive to the people of Jamaica. People also taunt other races with offensive signs or symbols like a Nazi swastika. According to eeoc.gov, some employers even take it to the extreme and fire employees based only on race! How can they possibly think that this is fair? Also, when they do this, they are infringing on those employees right to the First Amendment. Also, Title Seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects these people from discrimination at work against color and race.(eeoc.gov). They are breaking laws, Acts , and Amendments just to fire these people! Another sickening thought is that an African American boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison just because he is colored.(blackstarnews.com)

Another example of racial discrimination is the basketball player Oscar Robinson. He used to play for the Milwaukee Bucks, which would seem like a fun life an job. Instead, he lead a life full of poverty and endless discrimination. He was discriminated against just because he was black. He was in fact, a very good player on the team.

This all seems very bad, but there are solutions. We can fix this. Even if you start at an individual or school level. As an individual, you should just stop. Stop making racist jokes with your friends. You can live without them. At your school, you can make announcements or posters to hang around your school that tell your school to stop racism. Even something as little as telling a friend to stop saying something racist can help.

All in all, together we can stop racism. We can stop employers from firing people based on race as well as stop racist jokes. We can end stereotypes if we just try. You just need to take one step at a time. We can do this.Have you ever made any jokes with your friends? Sadly, many people have, and just for the record, they are not funny. This is a very serious matter that we have to put an end to immediately. People with racial differences are being harassed at work and school. Their rights are being taken away purely because of race, and they are stereotyped like there is no tomorrow.

A lot of people discriminate against people with racial differences in many unethical ways. It is not right or just to harass someone based on their race. People harass people of different races in many horrible ways.. They harass them with indiscreet racial slurs. An example of this is talking in a Jamaican accent. When you say “mon” after everything, it is racist. It might not seem bad or racist, but it is. It is offensive to the people of Jamaica. People also taunt other races with offensive signs or symbols like a Nazi swastika. According to eeoc.gov, some employers even take it to the extreme and fire employees based only on race! How can they possibly think that this is fair? Also, when they do this, they are infringing on those employees right to the First Amendment. Also, Title Seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects these people from discrimination at work against color and race.(eeoc.gov). They are breaking laws, Acts , and Amendments just to fire these people! Another sickening thought is that an African American boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison just because he is colored.(blackstarnews.com)

Another example of racial discrimination is the basketball player Oscar Robinson. He used to play for the Milwaukee Bucks, which would seem like a fun life an job. Instead, he lead a life full of poverty and endless discrimination. He was discriminated against just because he was black. He was in fact, a very good player on the team.

This all seems very bad, but there are solutions. We can fix this. Even if you start at an individual or school level. As an individual, you should just stop. Stop making racist jokes with your friends. You can live without them. At your school, you can make announcements or posters to hang around your school that tell your school to stop racism. Even something as little as telling a friend to stop saying something racist can help.

All in all, together we can stop racism. We can stop employers from firing people based on race as well as stop racist jokes. We can end stereotypes if we just try. You just need to take one step at a time. We can do this.Have you ever made any jokes with your friends? Sadly, many people have, and just for the record, they are not funny. This is a very serious matter that we have to put an end to immediately. People with racial differences are being harassed at work and school. Their rights are being taken away purely because of race, and they are stereotyped like there is no tomorrow.

A lot of people discriminate against people with racial differences in many unethical ways. It is not right or just to harass someone based on their race. People harass people of different races in many horrible ways.. They harass them with indiscreet racial slurs. An example of this is talking in a Jamaican accent. When you say “mon” after everything, it is racist. It might not seem bad or racist, but it is. It is offensive to the people of Jamaica. People also taunt other races with offensive signs or symbols like a Nazi swastika. According to eeoc.gov, some employers even take it to the extreme and fire employees based only on race! How can they possibly think that this is fair? Also, when they do this, they are infringing on those employees right to the First Amendment. Also, Title Seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects these people from discrimination at work against color and race.(eeoc.gov). They are breaking laws, Acts , and Amendments just to fire these people! Another sickening thought is that an African American boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison just because he is colored.(blackstarnews.com)

Another example of racial discrimination is the basketball player Oscar Robinson. He used to play for the Milwaukee Bucks, which would seem like a fun life an job. Instead, he lead a life full of poverty and endless discrimination. He was discriminated against just because he was black. He was in fact, a very good player on the team.

This all seems very bad, but there are solutions. We can fix this. Even if you start at an individual or school level. As an individual, you should just stop. Stop making racist jokes with your friends. You can live without them. At your school, you can make announcements or posters to hang around your school that tell your school to stop racism. Even something as little as telling a friend to stop saying something racist can help.

All in all, together we can stop racism. We can stop employers from firing people based on race as well as stop racist jokes. We can end stereotypes if we just try. You just need to take one step at a time. We can do this.Have you ever made any jokes with your friends? Sadly, many people have, and just for the record, they are not funny. This is a very serious matter that we have to put an end to immediately. People with racial differences are being harassed at work and school. Their rights are being taken away purely because of race, and they are stereotyped like there is no tomorrow.

A lot of people discriminate against people with racial differences in many unethical ways. It is not right or just to harass someone based on their race. People harass people of different races in many horrible ways.. They harass them with indiscreet racial slurs. An example of this is talking in a Jamaican accent. When you say “mon” after everything, it is racist. It might not seem bad or racist, but it is. It is offensive to the people of Jamaica. People also taunt other races with offensive signs or symbols like a Nazi swastika. According to eeoc.gov, some employers even take it to the extreme and fire employees based only on race! How can they possibly think that this is fair? Also, when they do this, they are infringing on those employees right to the First Amendment. Also, Title Seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects these people from discrimination at work against color and race.(eeoc.gov). They are breaking laws, Acts , and Amendments just to fire these people! Another sickening thought is that an African American boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison just because he is colored.(blackstarnews.com)

Another example of racial discrimination is the basketball player Oscar Robinson. He used to play for the Milwaukee Bucks, which would seem like a fun life an job. Instead, he lead a life full of poverty and endless discrimination. He was discriminated against just because he was black. He was in fact, a very good player on the team.

This all seems very bad, but there are solutions. We can fix this. Even if you start at an individual or school level. As an individual, you should just stop. Stop making racist jokes with your friends. You can live without them. At your school, you can make announcements or posters to hang around your school that tell your school to stop racism. Even something as little as telling a friend to stop saying something racist can help.

All in all, together we can stop racism. We can stop employers from firing people based on race as well as stop racist jokes. We can end stereotypes if we just try. You just need to take one step at a time. We can do this.

Works Cited

Cohen, Joel H. Basketball Hall of Fame: Oscar Robinson. N.p.: n.p., n.d.
"Facts About Race/Color Discrimination." Facts About Race/Color
Discrimination. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2013.
"Race/Color Discrimination." Race/Color Discrimination. N.p., n.d. Web. 08
Feb. 2013.
"A Real Rescue Plan for African Americans." Black Star News Online. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2013.

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