gender discrimination | Teen Ink

gender discrimination

February 11, 2013
By Mr.ColtyWoW BRONZE, Willy Wonks House, Other
Mr.ColtyWoW BRONZE, Willy Wonks House, Other
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You what my dream is? My dream is to have a dream.

Have you ever wondered why men and women always fight over gender or hate each other because of each of there opposite gender? Also why people treat people of opposite gender unfairly? In this essay we are going to explore gender discriminate and why it is a problem in the world and in communities.

A lot of people do many things at work that may or will discriminate against the opposite gender even if they do know or do not right from wrong, so which makes this a problem. In one incident there was a job that was open for any one. There was a lady and a man that wanted to work for that job. She worked very hard at what she did and excelled more than other people of the opposite and the same gender. The man did not not really care what he did and did not do as well as the lady. Then when it came down to that final day of who gets the job, the man got the job, but why would he get the job? The reason why is because the boss who was trying them out was a male. He discriminated against the opposite gender, even though he know it was wrong to pick the wrong person.

People are always getting discriminated no matter who they are. In another incident the was a lady and a man. They were in the the same sport. The same exact position in football. The coach always put the man in even if he was hurt because he thought that all boys and man are stronger than women. Which the coach did not know that he was discriminating against the opposite gender.

If this ever happens in a society always create pay scales based on the job being done. Not the person in that position and hire qualified people and pay the job equality. This will help or stop the fight against gender discrimination in society’s and in the world.

In conclusion if you see discrimination make sure to stand up for whats right for the person or even your self. This will change your life or the person that you are standing up for to make their life better.

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