Discrimination | Teen Ink


March 27, 2023
By Anonymous

 The perception of black people viewed by other races is heavily based on history.  We as black people have learned over the years to just ignore other races that look at black people sideways or turn their heads. At this point, we know that black people have influenced a lot of the trends and the culture that most people find interesting today. I won’t speak for all, however, when we walk into a place that you don’t normally see black people in, shop, go for fun, or working in, whether it be with friends or by ourselves, we get judged and the looks give off a, “well what are you doing here”  and black people are very aware of that, and no one likes to feel as if they shouldn’t belong. It’s sad that it’s 2023, where we’re so heavily mixed in races that black people are  being discriminated against because of what they look like or how they're dressed. 

     I mainly feel this way because of the people who are elderly now or 35 and older, that group of people still believe in the values that they were raised in and are teaching it to their children that end up carrying that perception of black people that was described to them. I used to think that there was this big battle and fight just between white vs. black, but the older I get and become more educated in the history of discrimination, it’s not just that. It’s all races that have a perception of black people. I’m not trying to say the whole world is against black people, but sometimes it feels that way when we get treated disrespectfully the majority of the time we step out of the house and are not included.


     The crazy thing is that most cultures come from African descent because when slaves were dropped off in different parts of the world they mixed races, the same as when Africans had to fight in the war and stay in different families' homes. However back then, if you had any African in your blood or a pigmentation of melanin then you were treated poorly and other races didn’t want to be associated with being classified as black so they pushed hard to deny that they were mixed with African so they wouldn’t get beaten, lynched, etc.


  But bringing it back to current times, black people get classified as ghetto, rachet, unprofessional, loud, aggressive, uneducated, too much hips and butt, Afros, colored hair, music style, I could keep going with the list of everything that is not acceptable in society or how black people look. But other races still continue to use it and wear it, Then that’s when it becomes acceptable. When you like a culture and what they do, eat, etc. just embrace it and understand it, including the people in the culture and race. We all may have our views on other races and reservations towards others, but we should treat everyone equally with respect and as a regular person regardless of their color. 

The author's comments:

This piece is just my opinion and how I view this based on my own experiences.

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