Stained Red | Teen Ink

Stained Red

October 19, 2016
By abhiroop_basak GOLD, Kolkata, New York
abhiroop_basak GOLD, Kolkata, New York
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Terror has been indispensible of our life since dawn of human existence but the source has quite varied since then. Terror from the erupting volcanoes- from the carnivorous beasts in the ancient times, the forest fires and those of the tyranny of the emperors and the colonial administration in certain parts of the world in the medieval times and the terror by certain groups to spread unnecessary terror between people in the social scenario. These are the people referred to as terrorists in the present day.

Humans are a social creature and to live in societies is beneficial. To live in societies refers to being together and help each other and fight with adversities in a collective manner. Spreading terror between people can hamper the social stability and hamper the people’s progressive aspect. This can slow down the pace of development and even set back people and societies much ahead in development.

In recent years this terrorism has taken a terrible turn- to the point where it causes loss of life of the innocent. The root or cause of terrorism is many. People or groups of people in different conditions are deprived in certain ways and this triggers them to disrupt peace and decorum in society and lead to the cause of lives.

One of the basic roots of terrorism is religious stature as viewed by some intellectuals. Viewing the shield of religion, various social groups have taken up violence and murder to cause disrupt in society and the spreading of the people causes these to happen in a further large scale. Certain religious sects and regional tensions between small groups cause this to take a larger turn and take the shape of world calamity.

The terrible bloodshed and the tears of distress and helplessness diffuse into the stained grounds of the public square by the vigorous and mournful color of red. The yelping mothers and the deserted hearts fill the atmosphere of grief into complacent and more terrible with a speck of anger, revolt and helplessness springing out like the green grass emerging of the once bloody ground.

Another such roots involve dissimilarities of economy. The poor in an aspiration to move out of their terrible suffering opt to gain power and achievement and wealth through common terror. Hunger and desire for better living conditions is prime bait used by the expanding terror groups.

This has caused great changes and influence in world politics. From USA to England, South Africa to India, Australia to Russia and France to Iran, world politics has been greatly influenced by the influx of terrorism and the growing power of the leaders of such terror groups. Such adversities changes not only peoples’ lives but also introduce fear of greater damage to the world by major political decisions.

Through innumerable attempts, the real motive of the several terror groups have been tried to identify, all leading to the sad failure. It is to be understood that no religious community, regional sect or economic strata is the soul responsible for the growing terrorism in the world of the twenty-first century. The real problem is still not clear and even traces that the reason may be similar for all the groups is also not identified.

The world leaders have made attempts to stop this unsocial or socially unhealthy culture and to eradicate the people involved from the world. But it has to be understood, social evils are not the people involved in it but the very act. Although they have mercilessly declared doom for several societies and have ruthlessly murdered innocent people but by killing these people, the government or the committee entrusted with the duty is no less responsible.
Terrorism cannot be resolved by violence, as violence cannot result in peace.

The author's comments:

The article about the recent world events and a view of how it can be spoken of about or seen as.


This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 31 2016 at 3:46 am
This is a very interesting piece.

john stephen said...
on Oct. 31 2016 at 3:45 am
wonderful... it just reflects the thought.