New Year, New You | Teen Ink

New Year, New You

January 1, 2016
By Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's a new year.  

The moment means different things to different people. Perhaps you light the fuse on a firework. Maybe you plant a kiss on your boyfriend's lips. You might cheer as you watch the ball drop. You could send out texts to your friends, as if they could forget what time it was. No matter who you are, you do something at that moment.  

We all think of the new year as something. It seems to offer us a fresh start, a chance to forget about what troubles are behind us. At the moment that the clock hits twelve, we all let out a breath and grin. A new year. A new start. 

We enter the new year prepared. We have a list of resolutions in our head, and we're sure that this is the year we'll make unforgettable. This is year we fix everything that's wrong. The date January 1 is full of promise, full of hope. 

However, at the end of the year, we are always left unsatisfied. No matter how well the year goes, we are always left wanting more. We always think, 'Oh, I should have done this,' and, 'I could have done that.' So, going into the new year, we have a new list of resolutions stockpiled in our head. It's an infinite cycle; we make resolutions, yet we never seem to keep them. We see the new year as a way to start over – to create a new you. 

Instead of this, I suggest something different. Why use the new year as your inciting incident? Every day, we should be striving to become a better version of ourselves. Why wait until January 1 to fix a problem?  

The new year should be a celebration – it shouldn't be a reason for us to stress about our problems that need fixing.  

So this year, I resolve to not wait. To fix myself as I find problems, not to pile them until next January.  

Cheers to the New Year, and I hope it does you well. 

The author's comments:

Hope you all have a wonderful year!

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