Still Not Colorblind | Teen Ink

Still Not Colorblind MAG

January 31, 2009
By Aaron S. BRONZE, Zebulon, North Carolina
Aaron S. BRONZE, Zebulon, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I often heard about the presidential election on the news. You probably did too, if you expose yourself at all to the sickly sun of the American media. Journalists, reporters, and every other member of the information army practically wet themselves with exultation at the election of the United States’ first African-American president. And so have American citizens. There are still “Obama ’08” signs in yards, on cars, bridges, babies, and anything else that can be decorated with that godly O – his supporters still have that smug smirk glued like a bumper sticker across their faces.

Reading this, you might come to the conclusion that I am a rabid racist and torch-waving conservative, but hear me out! I am not a racist – in fact, I am almost certainly more colorblind than you, Obamanite. Barack Obama is now America’s first black president. You may say “Hooray!” but I say “So what?” You might tout his victory as a sign that racism is dead, and equal opportunity is, if not here, then well on its way. I disagree.

Racism is discrimination. Discrimination is not simply the act of deriding or oppressing a particular race. I believe it is any emphasis of racial differences. If a caucasian sees himself as “white” and identifies with others of his skin tone to form a coalition promoting his race, this is racist. By this logic, pro-black coalitions are racist too. And those who vaunt Obama’s presidency as a victory for African-American people are included.

In my experience, modern society is not discriminatory in its presentation of opportunity. There are black CEOs; there are white hobos; there are ­members of every race in every position. It’s the beauty of America! And yet still some insist on highlighting Obama’s victory as something strange and wonderful. Not only is it an insult to the American spirit to be fascinated by a black president, it’s an insult to those who have fought for this spirit.

The proper response to Obama’s election should have been: “We have a new president. Will he do a good job?” It is foolish to think that just because Obama is black, he will do a good job. Those who share my opinion see Obama not as racial crusader in shining armor, but as a politician whose ­actions must be analyzed logically. In short, the fact that America still ­perceives races as “different” is shameful. In a land of equal opportunity, the best will win – and the best has been chosen.

Celebrating Obama’s victory in a racial context is simply celebrating past racial divides. The election was not a victory for African-Americans, but a victory for all Americans.

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This article has 215 comments.

on Oct. 21 2009 at 4:20 pm
IsobelFree DIAMOND, Hamilton, Other
71 articles 20 photos 296 comments

Favorite Quote:
"As long as there is open road, the familiar has the most formidable competitor." - Anonymous

Good article. First of all, I see your point. Second of all, I somewhat disagree with it. You say it shouldn't be a triumph and we shouldn't be so excited that we have the first black president, but we are. the fact is, the US is an extremely biased and racist country and it IS a triumph to have the first black president, because the US history is full of bigotry and prejudice and the fact that the American citizens have elected a black leader is astounding. And yes, just because he is the first black president doesn't mean he will do a good job, but the fact is, I respect him as a person, and I honestly don't care what colour he is. He has plans to make a difference, and that's all I care about. I just wish we had such a cool leader in Canada.

on Oct. 21 2009 at 2:08 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

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"The pen is mightier than the sword." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

there was alot i agreed w?in this article, and a lot i didn't. yes, its true that we must judge PRESIDENT Obama for his political actions, not just his race. yes, there is still discrimination in the us. yes, race shouldn't matter.

BUT, the truth is, race still does matter. it does. and just because ppl consider President Obama's victory to be a victory for blacks, doesn't make them all racists. it IS a big deal for African-Amercians. there are people in my family who grew up with "colored" water fountains and bathrooms. are these people who just wanted to see change in our country and were happy when it happened considered racists? and another thing most caucasians don't get is that blacks are not only discrimnated against, but they are a minority. so it is difficult to get our voices out there. President Obama will speak for all minorities, including blacks and hispanics and asians and middle eastern people and the homeless, unemployed, underpaid, etc.

so yes, President Obama's victory was a victory for AMercia as a country. i am not arguing with that. But it also was a victory for Afircan-Amercians, too, and it is unfair to call anyone who looks at it that way racist.

beanzalib said...
on Oct. 21 2009 at 12:59 pm
I agree. It's nice to finally have a black president (when i was in like second grade and i first saw a bord w/ all the presidents i wondered why they all look the same) but, if he was an awful presentent, it would be awful. A black president is a good thing, but he has to be good at the job two. I don't know for sure yet but i think he is.

on Oct. 21 2009 at 10:59 am
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

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&quot;If it comes out of the lion&#039;s will be on the test.&quot;<br /> -Mr. Bala

Exactly. Why can't we just refer to him as "the president"?

on Oct. 21 2009 at 10:57 am
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If it comes out of the lion&#039;s will be on the test.&quot;<br /> -Mr. Bala

This is so true. How many people voted for Obama just because he's black? Why do we even care that he's the first black president? It shouldn't matter! We should be focussing on his actions, not on his skin color. Isn't that what we've been taught since second grade?

on Sep. 29 2009 at 12:54 pm
ClearlyDamnDecent SILVER, Rochester, Other
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Great Article with well made points.Have to disagree with you though. I am not aware what your race is but let me assure that to not champion Obama;s success as a memento of the progress made would be amiss. For those of us in the younger generation a black president isn't really a big deal but for those alive 40 years ago t is so important to demonstate the progress from not allowing a man to handle a bank account we can allow someone to assume control of the Nucelur codes, thats a huge step foward

tweedle dee said...
on Aug. 15 2009 at 2:54 pm
i very much agree with you. people have told me that whoever doesnt like obama is racist and doesnt like having a black president. he wont make a better or worse president depending on his skin coloring, all that matters are his actions. great article!

on Jul. 11 2009 at 3:52 pm
americanteen97 SILVER, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 79 comments
I hate racism. My dad is African-American and we have got lots of horrrible looks and have been treated badly. Whats is the big deal with skin color? We are all equal!

Sunshineyday said...
on Jun. 27 2009 at 3:56 am
I was an Obama supporter, and I was a little mad that people were making such big "first black president" hype because it did strike me as racially divisive, although, his election DID tear down an unfortunately long-standing racial barrier. Bieng the first black president is impressive, but we should judge him by his PERFORMANCE as our leader, this is coming from a kid who was an adamant supporter, who dragged her whole family to the polls.

:) said...
on Jun. 25 2009 at 7:23 pm
Wow. This is a great article. I had the same belief but for some reason never associated it with your topic. This article was like a mental bridge for me. Thank you.

on Jun. 13 2009 at 9:22 pm
blondie101 SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 12 comments
i TOTALLY agree! thanks so much for writing this, because it is sooo true. i think its cool that we have a black president, but we dont choose leader by race or religion. and i believe this is what happened during the elections.

anyway, i agree with you completely. thanks again for writing this! it was AMAZING!:D keep up the great work and keep sharing! cant wait to read more!!!:D

on May. 16 2009 at 1:27 pm
Spencer NO BRONZE, Dayvill, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
if people refer to Obama as the first african american president, then that is a littel raicest. i mean why do we see color still as a line,its still a wall socially.

on May. 2 2009 at 11:57 pm
VandaNoon PLATINUM, West Pittston, Pennsylvania
42 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
what i can remember<br /> is a lot like water<br /> trickling down a page<br /> of the most beautiful colors<br /> -Marie Digby &#039;Unfold&#039;

I completely agree. I was talking with a kid in my history class, and somehow we got on the topic of Obama. We both agree that the "first African American president" craze of the last few months doesn't signal the end of racism. It simply highlights a new era of it.

This was a well-written piece.

on Mar. 18 2009 at 11:19 pm
TheFitfulFire BRONZE, Houma, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 23 comments
I agree with you. A big issue that came up during the elections was that a lot of people, primarily blacks, said that mr. Obama's election is a fulfillment of Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. But,as a friend of mine said, it isn't. The reason is thus, by pointing out the color of Mr. Obama's skin, the fact that many voted for him simply because of it, completely erases any progress of what Mr. King hoped to achieve. His true dream was of a world when color would not matter, of a time when would would not have to hear rap artist sing profanity littered songs condemning a man and singing about how his President is black. The moment one makes it a racial issue is the moment one defeats the purpose of Equality.

on Feb. 13 2009 at 8:40 pm
Thanks for this piece, Aaron-I have the same opinion. I think that over emphasizing Obama's ethnicity is being just as racist as someone who wouldn't elect him because of his skin color. If we keep him on this pedestal throughout his four years in office, we won't be able to evaluate his actions as a normal president.