Everyone Should Be Able To Say "I Do" | Teen Ink

Everyone Should Be Able To Say "I Do"

May 7, 2013
By Evie Drukker BRONZE, Bloomfield, Michigan
Evie Drukker BRONZE, Bloomfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone Should Be Able To Say “I Do”
I grew up with my grandpa not visiting often. But whenever he did, he brought Bob. I never thought much of this, I thought they were just friends. Until recently, when I found out they were married.
Same-sex marriage has been discriminated against ever since the debate started. Barack Obama says yes to the idea, more and more states are allowing it. I believe that same-sex marriage should be allowed.
People say children of same-sex families have been affected to automatically be homosexual, but that is wrong. A study has been done and it states “The children of same-sex marriage couples have not been affected by this automatically making them homosexual, all it does is give them a different perspective of a family.”
Some people say same-sex marriage is wrong, however a very important person says it should be allowed. That person is Barrack Obama, the President of the United States of America. He believes that it is perfectly fine and should be allowed.
I believe same-sex marriage should be allowed. President Barrack Obama has said yes to same-sex marriage and thinks it should be allowed in the United States. This is important for the people who are not in favor of same-sex marriage to realize because it gives them a chance to say if Barrack Obama says yes maybe I should say yes too. This proves my point because it is an important person who has said yes that same-sex marriage should be allowed.
More and more states are allowing same-sex marriage. As of now the states of Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington allow same-sex marriage.
I believe not supporting same-sex marriage is breaking the first amendment of freedom of expression. We all have the given right of freedom of expression, and by restricting same-sex marriage is holding back some of that freedom. This is crucial because it is holding back the homosexual population from doing some of the things they dream of doing like getting married in a big beautiful church and being fully happy. So by saying no to same-sex marriage you are breaking the first amendment of freedom of expression.
Many people say no to same-sex marriage because of what the Bible says. Sure, the Bible does state that marriage is to be consisting of one man and one woman, but the Bible was written hundreds of years ago. However, in the Bible one of our ten commandments is love thy neighbor like thy self. Meaning that you can love whoever you want to live the rest of your life with, man or woman.
My grandpa is only one person who is homosexual out of many people in this world. Being homosexual makes him happy, and he gets to spend the rest of his life with the man that makes him very happy. People will always be against the idea of same-sex marriage, but we are the only people who can make the change to allow it.

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