Is NATO going to collapse? | Teen Ink

Is NATO going to collapse?

April 29, 2024
By 27ds02 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27ds02 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

A few people think that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is getting close to collapsing. Still, a majority of the people in the world believes that NATO will stay strong forever. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed on April 4th, 1948, to ensure freedom and peace to its members, another purpose was to counter the Soviet Union. The war going on in Ukraine is lasting longer than what a lot of people thought it would. Russia wants to end this war and take Ukraine and add the territory to its own. If Russia wins this war, then a lot of countries would most likely be on watch in case Russia wants another war to keep expanding. If Russia keeps expanding then the United States of America would need to choose between the collapse of NATO or going to war.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for quite some time now, and it still has yet to find the victor in all of it. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that Ukraine is facing an adamant resistance from Russia. Both Ukraine and Russia don’t seem like they want to give up. Russia keeps going on the offensive while Ukraine defends against heavy tactics by Russia. Russia has been getting terrorist bombings once in a while and President Vladimir Putin thinks that Ukraine and the USA have something to do with it. If Russia keeps playing the offensive they could either win or lose all their resources.

If Russia wins this war, the predictions of President Zelenskyy say that Russia will keep on expanding to the Baltic countries and hit one of the NATO countries. Russia will occupy Ukraine after the victory and keep expanding to the Baltic countries, Poland, Etcetera. President Zelenskyy says “They will start war with one of the NATO countries and at this moment the United States will have to choose the collapse of NATO or go to war.” A victorious Russian army at the end of the Ukraine war, the ISW says, “would be combat-experienced and considerably larger than its pre-2022 forces” from the article on What Could Happen If Russia Wins War In Ukraine. Everyone would be on watch if Russia won the war against Ukraine.

If Ukraine loses this war, the United States will have to decide between the collapse of NATO or going into direct conflict with Russia. If the United States wants a war then they’ll have to send their armies and navies and all of their Armed Forces over to Europe. This war would be just like the Cold War but with actual battles. The tension will be there and it will be high, countries will either join the war or be spectators and hope for the best. Now if the United States doesn’t go to war, it could mean the end of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. All those countries in NATO will suffer a dear loss without all the protection NATO gives.

Therefore, if Russia wins this war then they may keep expanding and hit a NATO country, so in those moments, the United States will have to choose between going in a direct conflict with Russia or the collapse of NATO according to the USA Today article “If Ukraine loses, U.S. must choose between the collapse of NATO or going to war.” Henceforth, the war in Ukraine has not yet seen an outcome nor a winner. If Russia wins this war they will keep expanding, and the USA needs to decide on going to war or the collapse of NATO.

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