Teen opinion essays on war, peace, politics, justice and more | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Points of View

By Anonymous

A major problem of today is landfills, filled to the brim with trash, including plastics, batteries, hazardous materials, glass bottles and jars, and other types of waste. The prob...

By beckp123 BRONZE
Sussex, Wisconsin
beckp123 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Anonymous
eroberts25 BRONZE, West Caldwell, New Jersey
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It doesn't matter whether you live in a house, flat, or a boat, it's love that turns wherever you live into a home"
~Harry Styles

smib77 BRONZE, Lahore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
Matthewli0912 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 9 photos 0 comments
Ting132122 BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
nishkagouri BRONZE, San Ramon, California
4 articles 6 photos 0 comments
By Anonymous