Body Language | Teen Ink

Body Language

January 13, 2017
By brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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In the writing titled Body Language written by Jennifer J. I felt understood.  Her wrtiting about American sign language left me feeling confused alittle. I can relate to being the awakard waver among the family.  all my sibilings and cousins take after my moms side, level headed and smart. I take after my father, freespirited and a dreamer.  I understood when she said that you speak with your body.  i am almost blind, so i can do many things by listening, smelling and touch.  this is a body speaking on it's own, the feeling of brail language. I am confused about who all is deaf in her family, like she said that her grandmother wished she knew more words, does that mean she's deaf too?  beside the little confusion this article is written beutifully. 

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