success | Teen Ink


October 29, 2016
By Andrew11111111 SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
Andrew11111111 SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why are people who succeed so happy?
why do they succeed in the first place?

  Ever wonder why people who are rich and successful are so happy? Maybe you think its because they have lots of money, perhaps you think its because they are in relationships with the most amazing women. Though all of these are great reasons, they aren't the true explanation as to why these people have such smiles on their faces every day. Everyone starts somewhere. Wether it be in poverty, middle class, or already at the top. The reason the most successful people are so happy is because they did not give up on what they love. One who starts in the slums may be poor financially, However, This person could be the wealthiest being you will ever cross on the street. Wealth comes from within. When you have the aspiration to make a difference in the world and do whatever it takes to achieve that difference, then you will be successful. when you do something you truly love then you will never give up regardless of how hard it is or how devastating the loss. That's what separates the winners from the losers.
  there are three main groups in which to focus on in the economy. The poor (financially), The middle class, and the rich. The poor live paycheck to paycheck. The middle class are people who diminish themselves by credit cards and loans all while still earning a sizable check to pay off those loans. The rich, are quite different. Not only do these wealthy people get the biggest paychecks, They have multiple sources of income. Not only that, but they don't spend money on tangible, temporary items. They reinvest in assets that make money for them. That way they can let the assets in which they have invested in buy those luxury items for them. If you squander your money on things that are only going to benefit you temporarily, then you will never be rich. The wealthy all realize that if you build assets that work for you, they can use that time to do other things that they like. Unlike the middle class who exchange time for money without building assets. This is why so many middle class people are also treading on thin ice. These middle class people use money on liabilities. Liabilities only force you to pour more money into them such as a fancy car or a big house that you cant afford. The rich know this. So they in turn, Pour their money and time into building an asset that will soon make money for them. That way they don't have to use their precious time to work an hourly job just to waste it on some useless car. Once their asset builds money, they don't stop there. They reinvest or bootstrap their wealth. Once you realize that the way to the top is not by working long hard hours, the sooner you will get there. Build assets and reinvest into those assets so they earn you more and more.
  You might wonder, "how the hell am I supposed to live a luxury lifestyle when all my money I earn is going into my assets?" well, once your assets are making more than what can fit in your billfold, then you'll know its time to start buying that fancy car. hell, you wont even need a loan! "so where do I get started?", That's completely up to you. There are MILLIONS of opportunities. A great way to begin would to be by surrounding yourself with people who want the same things you do. Once you do this you will begin to be like them and develop habits that they have. If you hang around stupid people who don't care out financial success, then guess what you will begin to be like? Get the point? Surround yourself with intelligent people who have desires that are similar to yours. You will soon spark ideas with them and you will have a group that you can call your "Master mind group"- the people who will get you and themselves to the top. Be creative, take risks and step out of the comfort zone. You may be scared to leave your cozy little den but once you do then you will feel so powerful and brave. You will be exposed to new things. Some beneficial to you and your path and others not. Make the right choices, however, make mistakes. Success would be nothing without failure. The only way to succeed is to fail. And fail. And fail. And fail. When you are doing something you love, then you will keep going and be the best.

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