In Summer | Teen Ink

In Summer

March 20, 2015
By LorenLD BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
LorenLD BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In summer the weather is warm, there is no school, and the atmosphere feels free.  When it is summer there are no worries about making every deadline for homework.  While the sun creeps up over the horizon in the morning while still laying in bed, listening to the bird’s chirp or the sound of the neighbor’s lawn mower, everything seems peaceful.  During the summer there are no alarms that have to awaken the beast from his/her nights sleep.  While awakening in the morning it is common to feel refreshed and well rested.  Again there is no school, so there are no rushes to get to school on time, so usually some TV and a bowl of cereal are in check.  The rest of the day basically revolves around being lazy and enjoying the peaceful, quiet, laziness.  If asked to do something, one might have plans with friends that night.  Say it could be out to the movies, to cedar point, or the county fair.  One of the best things of summer is the corn on the cob, cookouts, and fresh fruits like watermelon.  There can never be too many cookouts throughout the summer.  What about summer camps or vacations?  I attend summer camp every summer, and its something I look forward the whole year.  And vacations, they may just be the very best part of the summer.  Weather going to Alabama, Myrtle Beach, New York City, or out of the county vacations are always looked forward too.  Vacations are so much fun because its important to be surrounded by new surroundings, and to feel refreshed.  The worst part about summer is when it starts winding down to the last few weeks.  Once the calendar turns to August, it reminds everyone that summer is slowly coming to its end, and soon everyone will be back in school and the cycle will start all over again.  The stressful weeks of homework, and the tiredness from not enough sleep will start over again, but never fear because summer comes around again every year.

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