Power Instilled in Plastic | Teen Ink

Power Instilled in Plastic

May 28, 2014
By Evster BRONZE, San Diego, California
Evster BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Power Instilled in Plastic
“Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock.” But when the mouse came down, he was an hour older, an hour of his life wasted, gone. Or maybe not... Maybe that mouse learned something. But it wasn’t the clock that made the mouse any older. It was time. It’s a funny concept, time. Every passing second ticks away, gone forever. You see, this is now. But before you know it, this is now, and now was yesterday, and this is your life. It seems like kindergarten was just yesterday and I felt as if I would never be a high schooler. I remember relief that I wouldn’t have to take on the worries of a ‘big kid’ until much later in life. A time that I thought was so far away, a time I never even imagined would come so soon, but here I am. It seemed as if tomorrow was so far away, but it wasn’t - it came. And then again. Until so many tomorrows had passed me by, and now I just sit here watching time slowly slip away from now into tomorrow, now just memories. Not only are these memories reminders of yesterday, but they remind me that there is good to come in tomorrow. I learn to enjoy the moments of today and look expectantly upon tomorrow, because soon tomorrow is today, and today is yesterday, and just another memory. Someday, sooner than I know, I’ll be old. It may be unfathomable now, but the reality is, old is just a measurement of time, and I’m old now. People say time flies and I’ve never heard truer words. You see, it’s almost as if we live inside a clock. The big hand constantly pushing us around and the smaller one, instilling fear in us all. We watch as these two little hands make us late for school, deprive us of sleep, suck the time out of our lives. Such great power instilled in plastic, it’s admirable. We bow down to the clock, worship it, but if you just take the batteries out, the clock is useless. But what’s more, time goes on.

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