Words | Teen Ink


April 30, 2014
By Thebluemage BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
Thebluemage BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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It's a scary word, it means alot of things.

It's first definition: Having no one else present; on one's own.

Can you imagine? Having literally no one else around you, being compleatly alone. Noone to talk to, to laugh with, to experience /anything/ with. It's inhuman. Unhealthy, the same as being starved or tortured. This is just another example of how the dictionary describes such emotional things so emotionlessly.

Alone is the antithesis of "Human", for what is a man standing alone? Nothing in the eyes of the world. Hell is but an unfitting synonym to Alone, as even in Hell you have company, and at least you feel pain.

This is another word described so emotionlessly by the dictionaries of the world.

It's described as a fault, a blemish, or undesirable feature.

Why are we so scared of imperfection in the first place? On a subconscious level, we all realize that we are not, and can never be, perfect(unless you have a medical condition). Yet Humanity has this built in sense of entitlement and desire to be perfect that causes us to fear this word almost as much as alone.

The world is filled with words like this; words that mean horrifying, highly emotional things constantly said in the most emotionless ways.

What words like this have you heard today?

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