My eyes | Teen Ink

My eyes

March 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you ever feel like the world is spinning round and round but you tend to have not one sudden movement? I know the feeling. There are just too many things happening at once, I just can’t keep up.
Every day is the same. Emotions, reactions, problems and people. All I wish is to wake up one day and just be happy. No stress, nothing. My world is full of so much negativity that my heart aches. I try and try all the time but nothing seems to help me. No matter how many times I cry or explain to people I still feel pain, too much pain! The way people think that your life is perfectly fine… Don’t you just get the urge to just let everything out, let out all the pain and anger that has built up for much too long inside. That’s me!
Not one day has passed that I could just hold my head up high and knows that everything would be ok. “Every day has a silver lining” as they say but for some reason I can’t seem to find mine. My days always end in pain and sorrow… Guilt and disappointment. I’ve tried so many times just to impress people, just hoping that one day everything will change but I’m always wrong. I learned that there really isn’t a meaning towards “friends.” They come and go but that’s only because they start to become the person they actually are towards you. I learned that not all family will “have your back.” They end up back stabbing you either way as well.
You’re born, you live the way your life turns out to be and you die. Life is full of unexpecting surprises, unwanted actions and unwanted emotions. Hey! You can never get what you want. You dream big and you receive less. At least that’s how I see things. There’s much more bumpy roads ahead of me, I know that for sure. At least I’ve opened my eyes and realized that once you enter this world, be prepared for things that’ll hurt and stages that’ll get worse…
Take it one step at a time. Be who you are, not who people want you to be. Most importantly, follow your dreams no matter what you have to go through to reach them. Keep your head up high.

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