Raised allowence | Teen Ink

Raised allowence

February 10, 2014
By Anonymous

“I wish I could get that”, “I would love that”, Those are some of the things I say while im out and about but I don’t have any money because my allowance is to low so I wanted to convince you to raise my allowance. I could buy more supplies with a bigger alowence, I would also gain more independence, And with more allowance I could put more money back in you pockets.So please tell me how that sounds.
More money equals more supplies I can buy on my own supplies, for school, clothes, and other accessories I may want. With the prices of school supplies going up, with a high allowance I could buy that stuff my self and save you the trouble. My education is important but the money troubles are equaly importanta so give me a chance to help out. Im also a growing boy and my clothes will begin to get smaller, If I had a larger allowance then I could buy my own clothes. The only reason is that I know what I like and if I bought my own clothes you and I wont have to worry about I not wearing any clothes that I don’t like. The accessories that go with the clothes I could also buy, but for the moment my allowance is too small for me to be doing that.
Im at the age where I should be more independent with a larger allowance I could be more independent in life. With a lager amount for my allowance I can independize myself, With what I stated in the last paragraph, buying all my own stuff. With me trying to do that I will have to learn how to save money for the essentials. It will help me grow into a fine young man and it will have been because of the help from you. The little boy you once knew will grow into a fine young man with money saved up from your help.
The bigger the alowence, the more money in your pockets. It may sound crazy but hear me out. Iknow that the idea of more money the more you have sounds insane but it is a great idea. Like in the above paragraph I will learn to save money, but also I will lean a valuble lesson about money. SO the more you give me in an allowance the more I save and buy my own stuff the more you get to keep over time and have in your pockets to splurge on youselfs. That little boy that you gave a bigger allowance to turned out to be a brilliant youg man with money in his pockets and money in your pockets as well. But to make this dream a reality I need a larger amount of money for an allowance.
If you agree to a bigger allowance I can change the whole “I wish I could get that”. And “I would love that”. Into “I Finaly got it”. And into “I do love this” Independizing myself would be come a reality rather than just a dream, Buying my own stuff becomes easier, and you gain instead of losing. I belive that if I had a larger allowance all of those dreames I have would……. NO Will become a reality for you and I. So I ask not as a begging child, but as a young adult to parents Please May I have a raise in my allowance to benefit you and I in the long run.

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