More Fiction Needed! | Teen Ink

More Fiction Needed!

February 6, 2014
By jfo19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jfo19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I have thought long and hard on how to make make your magazine more popular. The solution? More fiction is needed! Many Teens enjoy fiction, but there isn’t enough fiction in Teen Ink to fulfill this need for the crazy wonderful tales of fiction! Studies show many teens prefer fiction to nonfiction. Many teens who would enjoy the fiction would want to show it to their friends so it would then grow in popularity and interest of the general public.

Imagine this, a boy has had a tough day at school. All day, he did everything wrong. He gets home and all he wants to do is curl up with something fictitious and just read. What’s he going to read from? Well, right now… a book, but lets see the story when there is more fiction in Teen Ink! : What’s he going to read from? Well it’s obvious, Teen Ink! Now how would you like that? Many kids who read a lot not picking up books, but picking up Teen Ink for a good read!

J.K. Rowling, author of the famous Harry Potter books once said, “Fiction is a way for kids to be creative and dream.” She later talked about the fact that nonfiction, while it is interesting, can’t be changed or re-imagined. Fiction you can change and mold into into your heart’s desire. This means fiction inspires growth in learning and creativity. With more fiction, Teen Ink can inspire that growth.

I hope you will take this into consideration. The choice is yours, you could be great, or average. Either way, you will continue to be read at my school. I hope you choose greatness.



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