A little changes | Teen Ink

A little changes

February 6, 2014
By C_U_later_Guy BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
C_U_later_Guy BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in this world.-Gandi

Dear Teen Ink,

I am a 7th grader at North Shore Middle School and I have some ideas for things that you could put in your magazine. I was talking with some friends and we would like to have a Tips n’ Hints sections for teens to ask questions or advice about life. Sometimes we need some help in life and tips or listening to our parents, teachers and other adults. As we get older it is getting hard to do. Getting advice from strangers is sometimes easier than getting advice from friends. I know that the idea would help me because I have a lot of questions and could use some advice.
I was thinking that you could ask your questions anonymously so you will not be embarrassed

Thank you


The author's comments:
I just want some changes done!
I knew that the magazene needed some changes so I asked for what I wanted.

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