Video Game Sampling | Teen Ink

Video Game Sampling

February 6, 2014
By ara19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ara19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t be afraid to fail. Don&#039;t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go onto the next challenge. Its OK to fail. If your not failing, your not growing. <br /> -H. Stanley Judd

Dear Teen Ink,

Whenever I go to the store, I find it hard to find a new video game for me. If you want to find/buy a new game for your gaming system, you should be able to try a sample of the game you want.

I believe you should be able to try a sample of the game you want before buying it. I feel that way because lets say you see a game, and you think it looks like a good game, but, it could actually be a really bad game. You should be able to try it, instead of wasting your money, then having to take it back to the store.

I also believe that if you want to try a sample, that you shouldn’t borrow a game from Redbox or Gamefly. I say this because, it still costs money and the disc could be scratched, or not working. I also consider not borrowing from Redbox or Gamefly because, then, you have to go the Redbox/Gamefly pay the fee for the game(s) go home, play it, take it back, then buy the game. It also saves gas for your car. You should be able to try samples on your gaming system.

Newer games are really expensive such as: $60 for each new game. Samples could also help teens, kids, and parents save money. Since games are so expensive, once you buy it, and try it, you can’t take it back to get a new one. You will have to keep it.



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