The Big Idea | Teen Ink

The Big Idea

February 5, 2014
By NaomiFD BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
NaomiFD BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I need to understand… You need to understand… We all need to understand. Understand where others are coming from. Not agree, accept. You don’t need to agree with why I do something, but you need to understand that I am doing it for the a reason. The same reason you are doing what you are doing, because you think it is what you want to do. I don’t think as a fifteen year old girl I know everything, or even much of anything but I have a grasp on a few things and I think it is important that they are heard.
Acceptance. We all want to feel accepted and we all should be accepted. I am not only talking about the cliche groups in high school, though they do pertain, I’m talking about in the big open world when you don’t have your high school guidance counselor backing you up any more. Of course you will always have some people watching your back, those people are sometimes called your true friends, homies or besties. Even when you have people watching your back, it doesn’t mean that people won’t get to you. It is human nature. When somebody says, “don’t let them get to you,” they say this because they know it is hard to not let words hurt.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Is a saying my mom used to say to me. It’s a good mind set but what are the chances that if you are walking down the street, and somebody calls out a racial slur, that you aren’t going to be hurt or offended. It is almost inevitable.
Everybody has their own point of views. They can be about anything. Take people’s views of life for example. Some think that life is just a cycle, others think that it is what you make of it. Thinking of life as one big cycle, would mean that you do the same thing day in and day out and even if you are doing something with someone different, it is probably the same thing you did with another person the day before. Those that think life is what you make of it, think that the only person that can change what you do is you and if you don’t want to do the same thing day in and day out, then don’t.
The two ideas or mindsets, compliment and contrast each other. There are some that may think that the only parts of life are, you are getting up everyday, going to work and then coming home. People think otherwise, they are thinking about the time in between those specific events. There isn’t much you can change about society and it is understandable how this could become annoying. One could think that their life is a cycle but there is a way to change it. Do different things on your days off. Have friends that like to be adventurous and have fun with you. There are so many different possibilities, you just have to put in the effort and time.
Life is a big idea and can not always be pinpointed into two categories, this is a generalization. There may be two groups, there may be more. However many groups there are everyone in them gets a right to their opinion.

The author's comments:
This is a piece I wrote in my english class. The idea came to me from an over reacting friend who thought his life was boring and too much like a cycle that never ended. So instead of yelling at him for being too over dramatic I choose to write a paper about it.

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