What's the Point | Teen Ink

What's the Point

January 21, 2014
By Stunkard21 BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
Stunkard21 BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday everybody has to put on at least four articles of clothing. This includes shirts, socks, pants, and underwear. All of these pieces of clothing are essential to people’s everyday life except underwear. Underwear is just an extra weight and a waste of space in everybody’s drawers. People all over the world agree that no matter what underwear is being worn, it is all uncomfortable and unnecessary. Underwear is the diaper for people who are potty trained and capable to use the restroom on their own so there is no need for it.

The first reason as to why underwear should be destroyed is it has been around for hundreds of years. They were created to make “figures look more flattering” spoke biologist, Shawn Lewis, in the very first commercial selling underwear. Little did people know that underwear didn’t flatter any human body, but commercials produced an allusion that they did by using slim and attractive people in their commercials.
Second, underwear was created as a joke to make money. They were sold for only money purposes. It started at the price of one dollar a pair. Unexpectedly, there was such a high demand the producers of underwear started to put them in bags of three to five and raised the prices tremendously to rip people off.
Third, people would become healthier. It takes on average three minutes to find a pair of underwear and put them on. By the time someone is all changed they are either already late or have to leave right away causing them to skip breakfast. Without underwear those three minutes would be used for eating breakfast. Professor Don concluded, “If people eat breakfast their health befits greatly.” Like they say, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
Fourth, the price of clothing would decrease. Underwear takes 33% of cloth used in clothing factories. That 33% of material could be used for more important attire pieces. A sweater at American Eagle costs about $35 or more, but without underwear around, it would only cost $11.55. Every article of clothing would decrease in price by 33%.
Fifth, there would be no bullying. The concept of bullying was introduced to young children through TV shows demonstrating bullying by one kid giving another kid a wedgie. There would be no way of giving another kid a wedgie without underwear. This way kids wouldn’t have an understanding of bullying and it would never happen. People wouldn’t know how to be mean to each other forcing them to be friendly. World peace would no longer just be a concept but it would be reality.
I need your help. A world without underwear is a world of happiness. People would finally be able to reach their New Year’s resolution of becoming healthy. Money would still be rattling in people’s pockets rather than just in registers. Let’s fight the lies commercials have been feeding us. World peace has been wished upon numerous shooting stars, but now is our chance. Say no to underwear and yes to world peace.

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