What my Garbage Man Means to Me | Teen Ink

What my Garbage Man Means to Me

January 20, 2014
By Kristen Boucher BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kristen Boucher BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waste management businesses are essential to a well run society. Parts of a well run society needs a way to regulate the removal of trash from the entirety of the people that live there.

A community can be well run by providing services that help higher the living standards. A higher living standard would attract more people to that certain town or community.

Lots of problems would be created if there was no way for garbage to be removed from homes and businesses. Imagine a world without garbage men: littered streets with papers, rotten food piled up high, and streets ridden with polluted air.

If there were no garbage men, our trash would simply pile up. If there was nowhere to put your garbage, the world would become too littered to support life. That’s why we are in need of a system to pick the garbage up.

It is important that a well run system exists to make it easy and efficient to take care of garbage.

Waste Management is the largest waste collecting company in the country and it is essential for our society. Waste Management has about two million customers and is successful in what they set out to do.

The world would be a very different place if garbage men did not exist. We need to get rid of our garbage for lots of sanitary reasons. The streets would reek of old food and smelly trash if companies like Waste Management did not exist. Lots of people would be getting sick and everyone would be more prone to disease from the amount of germs in the air created by the garbage.

My garbage man means a lot to me because it gets rid of all the garbage in my yard so it doesn’t pile up. I don’t have to worry about the amount of trash I produce because I know it will be taken away once a week

We collect garbage by trucks. If we kept working on more efficient ways of picking up garbage, it could become an easier and less strenuous process. More innovation in this area could put availability of new jobs in jeopardy. Garbage men could possibly lose their jobs if a new invention came out that made it easier.

My garbage man means a lot to me because there would be nowhere for my garbage to go if he didn’t come and get it. He helps keep the air around my house clean and won’t stink up my yard.

Recycling can also help lower the amount of trash consumed. Things like plastics and certain aluminum items are common things that are recycled.

Reusing certain items and purchasing earth friendly items can help lower the amount of trash needed to be picked up. Also, buying certain products that are made of reused items is better for the planet.

It is important to keep making jobs available for people who want to become a garbage man. We need these men to all work together to get all the garbage in the community. Future generations should encourage people to become garbage men for the sake of our society.

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