Make a New Year's Resolution to Better 2014 | Teen Ink

Make a New Year's Resolution to Better 2014

January 20, 2014
By Kristen Boucher BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kristen Boucher BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A new year means a fresh start for some people. And a resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. This means making positive new goals to better yourself or the people around you. I think it is important to make goals for yourself so you have something to work for. Many people choose common things for their resolutions are getting into better shape or doing better in school. One if mine is to improve my grades for the remainder of first semester and to start fresh for second semester. I think goals that help better yourself are good to have because you can’t set a goal too high. Exercising more and eating healthier is a good thing to do because once you start, it is easier to resist foods that are not healthy for you. Exercising is also a good thing to start doing this new year because it is healthy and is good for your body. Another resolution could be to manage stress, which I’m sure could apply to a lot of people. Managing your time better can help reduce stress and keep you more organized. Being organized can make it easier to get things done and accomplish more. A really generous new year resolution would be to volunteer more. Volunteering to help the less fortunate or just helping your community can make you feel better because you know you’re doing something good. Something like this would be a really good thing to make a habit. If everyone made this they’re new year’s resolution, think about how different our community would be. I do not think it is possible to have bad New Year’s resolution, unless it is something negative. So I think it is a good idea to make a new year’s resolution and always strive to make the upcoming year better than the last.

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