Admirable | Teen Ink


January 12, 2014
By Isaac777 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
Isaac777 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you watermelons, you make applesauce.


Superheroes, celebrities, and athletes, these people are what people usually admire. But for me, it doesn’t take someone to save thousands of people, or sing the best pop song of the year, or scored the most points in one game. But who I do admire, are those who do good deeds for the best of others, showing wisdom and sympathy.

My father, who I find is a pure man with a good heart, is one of those people I admire, but not only because he has done so much for me but how he is with others. From the time I remember, he has been reaching out for those that seem to need help, and even those that he knows himself are taking advantage of him. About a year ago, we were at a store, and we see an old man, around his 70’s struggling with his cart that seemed to be heavy, and instantly my father quickly goes and helps the man, that he doesn’t even know, and when he doesn’t know that much English to talk to the man, which showed me that who don’t have to speak the same language to understanding that one person wants to help another or should help another. Then afterwards asked him why he did that and replies by saying, “In old town, we used to help each other when we saw the need for it with no hesitation, so what does that say about you if you had ignore the man, pretending that he didn’t exist and wasn’t struggling.” That day a life lesson just smacked me across the face, something that I will always look back to and reflect on. To think of the actions I take, and how they make me look. Learning this lesson made me admire and respect my dad twice as much than I used to because I would have never thought about it that way making want to be a better person to those closest to me and even to those I may not know.

My brother is just something else. He always seems to never stop impressing me, having me to want to be like him when I grow up. Back when he was one of the staff for the Obama Campaign, he would go house to house in many neighborhoods, wanting people to register and vote for Barack Obama for this year’s election. In doing so he would many times be discriminated at and much more for just being Mexican and/or for wanting an African American to be president. And as his brother, that gets me angry that people would be insulting my own brother. But then he tells me that, “Yes, many times I want to yell back at them for being ignorant and rude, but you have to stop and think that your representing the candidate that you want to be the next president, and it wouldn’t be good publicity, having the newspaper saying, ‘Obama’s staff yells at young citizen’. So at the end you just have to put up with it and walk away.” After hearing this, it showed me that my brother was being the bigger man in that situation, because he would think of his consequences if he does something wrong, even though there was people doing wrong to them, having him to be a great role model and a person that I admire for his actions.

When person admires another it means they might have a crush on them. But in this case it means that a brother person who looks up to another, a role model in other words. For me, it’s my family because through tough and smooth situations they always show a side of them that I want to be. I want to be kind and helping like my father, and be a bigger person and know right from wrong just like my brother. And these are the people who I admire and will always look up to.

The author's comments:
This is a personal piece on my perspective toward my family members.

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