Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

January 12, 2014
By FrostedBlakes BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
FrostedBlakes BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Pro gun control

Do guns make the people of our states and cities safe or are civilians being hurt by them? Why are guns so easy to obtain? Why do we even have so many guns? These are some questions that people ask about the safety of gun control. Guns have caused many deaths and do not protect people and therefore should be limited. Some problems with being anti gun-control are that guns have killed innocent civilians, people can obtain guns easily, and people are getting hurt by guns because we have so many. Guns need to be limited.

Gun control has become an important topic in our society and should be recognized. Many people have died from our amendment that allows citizens to use guns. Fareed zakaria states, “We were all trying to understand the twisted psychology of James Holmes, the man who killed 12 innocents at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo”.(The Case for Gun Control). This is one incident where a man killed innocent people by a gun. People say that we should keep the amendment because we could have protected ourselves and the James Holmes wouldn't have harmed anyone. But, then people say that if we limit guns than this would’ve not even happened and we wouldn’t need guns to protect ourselves. According to Fareed Zakaria, “After the ghastly act of terrorism against a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Aug. 5, Americans are pondering how to stop gun violence” (The Case for Gun Control). The topic of Gun control is now important because people are arguing on whether or not we should change the amendment make guns limited.

Owning a gun had been linked to higher homicides, suicides, and accidental death by gun than people without a gun. Why do we even have guns when the people that do not have guns are killing themselves and using them for violence? According to David Gilson, a politician “For every time a gun has been used in self-defense, there are seven assaults or murders, eleven suicides attempts, and four incidents involving guns” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). Facts show that people that have a gun are more likely to use a gun for killing rather than to defend themselves. Every time a person actually uses a gun to defend themselves, 22 innocent lives are lost. The only reason people carry guns is to protect themselves. If people are not using guns to defend themselves then why have it? If guns are limited, than criminals will not have guns to harm civilians. when the people know they don’t have to carry a gun to protect themselves it will make them feel safe.

Not only do people die from guns more often than by protecting themselves but weak laws and loopholes make it easy to get a gun illegally. David Gilson a politician states that, “Around 40% of all legal gun sales involve private sellers and don’t require background checks” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). That means that any random person can receive a gun and use it any way they want. which means criminals can obtain guns easily. David Gilson then states that, “40% of prison inmates got their gun and caused crime this way” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). Since the criminals got their guns this way and have been put in jail means they have killed someone or have caused a disturbance in the society such as a robbery. If we limit guns then there would be no loopholes of selling guns. There would be no gun selling and we can put the criminals in jail if they carry a gun.

In conjunction with getting guns illegally, we now have an overpopulated amount of guns. The reason why there are so many crimes by guns is because we have so many! According to Fareed Zakaria “There are 88.8 firearms per 100 people in the united states. In second place is Yemen with 54.8, than Switzerland with 45.7 and Finland with 45.3. No other country has rate above 40” (The Case for Gun Control). With all of these guns it is obvious why we have so many crimes. There are so many guns the police are outnumbered. According to David gilson, “America's roughly 80 million gun owners already have the feds and cops outgunned by a factor of around 79 to 1” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). No wonder why there are so many crimes, every single police has to keep track of 79 people. This is hard for the police and by reducing and limiting guns there will not nearly be as much crime and the people will be safer.

People say that carrying a gun for self-defense makes you safer. yes guns can make the person feel safe, but are they really safe? Studies by David Gilson show that, “Ten times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). Guns are not being used for self-defense and the only reason people really are buying guns is to kill people. According to David Gilson, “In one survey, nearly 1% of americans reported using a gun to defend themselves or their property. However, a closer look at their claims found that more than 50% involved using guns in an aggressive manner, such as an escalating argument.” (10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down). This is more prove that people are not using guns for help but rather are buying them just to feel safe when actually they are not even using them.

Many people say that it isn’t the gun killing the person that people kill people. While this can be true, People with more guns tend to kill more people. According to David Gilson, “The states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates”. (10 Pro-gun Myths, Shot Down). This proves that it actually might not just be the person wielding the gun, but it’s the fact that there are way too many guns. But then people will say what about James Holmes and how he killed people because he was not mentally stable. Well, facts mentioned show that, if we limit guns that he would have never have gotten hold of the gun in the first place and would have never caused the crime.

Gun should be limited in America. Compared to the rest of the world we have many more guns and are not even using our guns for protection usefully. We are not safe anymore with all of these guns in circulation and the only way to stop it is to make a law limiting guns. People will listen, they have to listen or they will be put in jail. Let the policeman and the marines do their job by keeping this country safe. You don’t have to worry about protecting yourselves anymore. By limiting guns we can live happily.

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