Dream | Teen Ink


January 11, 2014
By Samuel Carrillo BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
Samuel Carrillo BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When we were young grownups would always ask us what we wanted to be when we grow-up, we respond with something extraordinary and exciting to us. The list was endless, from being a super hero, a spaceman a soldier, literally anything in our hearts desirer we could be, the sky wasn’t the limit we could go way beyond even our own imaginations.
As a high school student I think to myself and wonder “where did all that go?” Why don’t they ask us anymore of what we want to do and rather what we should do with our lives. Out of nowhere it seems that a dream becomes just that, no longer is it a possibility for us. Like we never had a dream before. They say it’s a part of growing up and I believe it I know some of the things I would wish for are out of the question but still. The scary part is seeing time length to fulfill those dreams getting shorter as time seems to move so much swifter. I didn’t realize this until this year I’ve heard time goes faster as you get older and only now do I truly understand what they meant.
I believe that everyone has had a crazy dream that they wanted to experience at least once in their short live. At a mature age you understand not everything is doable for many reasons but there is I’m sure a dream that you’ve had but never been able to do because you’re not good at it, put practice will become your best friend if you choose to pursue it. My dream is to follow in my Dads a footstep he’s going for his captain’s license as a sailor and that’s what I want to be. I want to sail for a living, and though I know little about it I have the spark to go after it. I believe that dream is possible if I do the right things the first time, even if I don’t I’ll try it again. I won’t let someone stop me from doing this especially myself!

The author's comments:
THis came to me when i was lost in though one night and i decided to write about it.

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