Words And Pharses | Teen Ink

Words And Pharses

December 8, 2013
By Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" No Pain no game

Have you ever heard of the word peace. If you have what does it really mean to you.
To me peace is a way of showing love. Or maybe a place where you take some time alone.
And then comes the word friendship. What does that mean to you? To me friendship is a relationship between you and someone that is always there for you or someone you can count on.
this isn't always the relationship where you end up being more than friends or except to have a future together with someone.The point is that being more than friends or having a friendship lead to love is alot to take in. being in love with someone is more than just trusting them or knowing they're always honest to you. And finally have you heard of the pharse "god bless you." When it comes to this word there's lots and lots of meanings. For example when you sneeze there's most likely some
there to say god bless. They might not always do it because they know it's polite or the right thing to do. It might just be that they feel like making someone else say it and then the next person to the next. My point is there's lots of words that I've heard of of and they all have different meanings it's just how you take it. So the next time someone says do you wanna be friends there probably starting at the beginning of creating a love relationship.

The author's comments:
Theres lots of thing's people say these days that we may take in different ways. How do you see it as?

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