Life on Montrose | Teen Ink

Life on Montrose

November 21, 2013
By LITEWAKE BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
LITEWAKE BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How interesting do you think the life of a Montrose kid is? Is it just the fact that Montrose is a small city and there’s not much to do that characterizes us? Or is it the background of the person?

I was born in Delta, Colorado. I was raised all over the place, mostly Olathe. I have lived in Reno, L.A, Sacramento, Clovis, Nevada City, Montrose, Delta, Olathe, and Great falls. Beings that I’m ADHD, it is kind of hard to find a school that is right for me. I’ve attended Connections Academy, which is an online home school. I left that because I couldn’t take sitting in front of the computer all day. I’ve been to Olathe Elementary; I left there because I moved. I finished elementary at Oak Grove. I’ve been to a lot of schools and lived in a lot of places.

My in-home family is my mom, Janie , my dad, Matt , and my two little brothers, Tayler and T.J , a basic 5 person family but it’s interesting most of the time.

I do volunteer work when I get the time. I have volunteered at the pet shelter. (I say pet shelter because they may be classified as an animal, but you let a pet in your family not an animal). I have volunteered at Christ kitchen. Even though I’m not religious it’s always nice to help people. I’ve worked at landscaping, roofing, and construction companies. I like to stay active; I do a lot of dirt biking; I prefer trail rides and hill climbs. I ride jet-ski’s, I do MMA, I like jeeping, rock crawling, BMX, and I play a lot of hacky sack. I’m really into music; it is a huge part of my life, I play guitar (both electric and acoustic). I play bass guitar (electric), keyboards, drums, piano, and clarinet. I’ve got this natural talent in music. If you give me an instrument, any instrument, and at least ten minutes, I’ll learn to play it. My career choice would have to be opening a garage for auto mechanics, auto body, and interior electronics. I like to work on cars, and I’m good with my hands.

So there is a look into the life of one Montrose kid. I would have to say that it is the background that characterizes a person, not where they live. Not everyone in the same city is the same person.

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