Human Sex Trafficking | Teen Ink

Human Sex Trafficking

November 8, 2013
By Maria Jaramillo BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Maria Jaramillo BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Human Sex trafficking

When sex trafficking comes to mind what image comes to your head? A woman in provocative clothing standing on the corner? Or a woman/child crying out for help in complete silence fearing the outcomes of them surviving in such a brutal industry? Sex trafficking is the modern day form of slavery. Studies have shown that worldwide there are millions of people placed in such brutal conditions. Victims are enslaved in the commercial sex industry for little to no money at all and barely ever get out without some form of help. Woman and young girls are beaten and abused by "pimps" in faraway places and locally .Pimps traffic these women and young girls (sometimes men) against their will to expose their bodies for money. Majority of the children involved in the industry are runaway or thrown away youths living on the streets that have been approached by “pimps” who manipulate them into believing into having a better life if they work for them.

Thousands of people each day get brought into the industry and are exploited but rarely any of them are able to get out without repercussions. There are several ways to help out and many different organizations whose mission is to rescue people from sexual exploitation, and make the subject important among society. One of the biggest organizations that work on rescuing and making such an industry aware to the public is the Polaris Project. They provide support for any victim that has been able to come out of the industry, they also have petitions against children being introduced to sex trafficking without even being let a chance to live a life. If you believe that a human is a victim of human sex trafficking there is a way to report this anonymously and is still considered helping. You can also get involved not necessarily saving the victims because one cannot do that alone since it’s dangerous, but you can work in different locations to help support the victims getting out of the industry and helping recover them as well. Sex trafficking is very import and should be taken more seriously and more people should take a stand and act on their beliefs.

The author's comments:
I believe that human sex trafficking is something that should be something that the society is more aware of and that we should take a stand against it.

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