Grateful | Teen Ink


November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

I am grateful that I have read the article "Grateful" by Eva Hornikle. I have never really come to that strong of a realization of how lucky I really am to have something as simple as a home to live in or food to drink. And even if I have, I still know that there's so much that other people have that I don't.
I cannot complain about what I have, but I, as can you, can complain about what I do not have. After the first reason to be grateful and a reason to want more, each of the reasons began to get greater, more serious yet the things you are grateful for become much simpler. As I read your first three or so I thought to myself "this is so silly, of course everyone would want more than what they have." But then, I realized that although we may have the basic needs and necessities that we have been lucky enough to receive, it might not make us as happy or satisfied as it would if we had more than that in addition.
Yes, even if someone does not even have what we think is something so simple, so basic that we usually would not sit down and express thankfulness for on a daily basis, we still complain because we don't have anything considered too great. I realize, after reading this article, that maybe we should sit down and say our thanks to something so simple as living or being happy, even though there are those haunting thoughts telling us that we sometimes need more than just to live or to be happy and that it took us so much depression to get to that point. It may seem so simple to you, but someone is struggling to get where you think everyone is.

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