Not Being Good Enough? | Teen Ink

Not Being Good Enough?

November 6, 2013
By Nataijah Williams BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Nataijah Williams BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People think they're not good enough. People think fitting in is right. People think being yourself is wrong. People want to fit in. Living with the feeling that you're simply not good enough. Your parents yelling at you for getting B's on a report card. You thinking that whatever you do will never be enough. Feeling like everyone else is prettier than you. Being called ugly on a daily basis. People at school wearing the latest fashionable clothes while you are wearing hand me downs and goodwill. Being laughed at in the hallway when you turn your back. No one wanting to sit next to you on the bus. Having three followers on instagram. It seems like the easy way out of this would to just conform and be like the person that has tons of friends, nicest clothes, and is the most popular. But would you really be happy then? Would that really make life easier? Do you think that person is satisfied with their life? The answer to these questions is no, changing your entire life to be like someone else doesn't make things better. Just because you might have friends and followers doesn't mean everything is alright. Thousands of kids are feeling like they are not good enough for anyone. Thousands of kids just take the easy route and be like everyone else. What ever happened to being you? There is another way to handle a situation like this. Why not stand up for yourself? If you wear clothes from goodwill, be proud to wear them. If you get called mean names from your peers, don't let it get to you. Who are they to tell you what you are. If you get B’s on your report card, work harder! What Im trying to say is in the end you don't want base your whole life on being someone else, being you is perfectly fine. Non-conformity is the key to all your problems.

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