Animal Abuse-- It Must Stop!! | Teen Ink

Animal Abuse-- It Must Stop!!

November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Animals are abused all over the world. I remember when I was young, I used to watch this Korean show every week. It was about animals that had problems and it showed how the animal company went and helped them. I used to love that show, except for the part where abused animals came on. It showed how the show hosts went to homes where animals were abused and saved them. I usually ran upstairs and told my parents to call me down when the section was over because I was so horrified.

Out of all the shows I watched, there is one that shines clearly through my mind. It was about a dog that was severely mistreated. Its owner starved it and beat it up. The dog escaped and started eating other dogs. Now that I think back to it, I feel that it is not the animal’s fault, but 100% the owner’s fault. There may be some people out there that disagree with me, but let me tell you this: owners are the ones teaching the animal how to act and behave. It is just like a younger sibling and an older sibling. The dog watches what the human does and thinks that what he/she does is the right thing to do. We, as humans, are animals too; we act and think similarly to animals.
There was another show that disgusted me. This one was about a dog too. This dog was kidnapped and locked in a tiny cage. Every day it was beaten by the kidnappers and starved. When people found out, the dog was already damaged almost beyond repair.

On July 30th, 2013, 29 year old Kisha Curtis pleaded guilty to abusing her dog, then wrapping it in a plastic bag and throwing him down her building’s garbage chute. The dog was found starving and near death. What angers me is that humans think we are so superior. We think we can do anything to animals, plants, and even our own kind! As soon as we get tired of something we throw it away. We have no right to do that.

I believe strongly in many things like taking care of the poor, helping the disabled, and not bullying, but I feel especially strongly about animal abuse and neglect. Why can’t humans come to our senses and just realize that what we’re doing, what we’re living for is stupid? Why can’t we stop with all the greediness and just let go? If we take action and help, maybe animal abuse will cease. We can all help by donating money to organizations like SAVE that take in neglected and abused animals and give them to a better family. We can all take part in saving animals and make the world a better place!

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