I am a failure. | Teen Ink

I am a failure.

October 25, 2013
By Anonymous

This isn't really a piece but I must put this out into the world. I feel like a failure. I'm a freshmen in a State college. Its an ok school but I should be somewhere more prestigious. I should be at my dream school. The school I got accepted to but couldn't attend because of money. But let's be hones the only reason I got in is because I knew people in admissions. They probably felt sorry for me. I feel sorry for myself. I should have done better in high school. I should have worked harder. I will not be great in life. I will be ok. I will be good enough. Nothing exciting or eventful will every happen. Instead of the engineering or computer science major I was going to be i'm a risk management and insurance major. There's no way I would have survived the engineering major anyways. Dreams of working at google and living in silicon valley flushed down the toilet. I am not good enough. I am not pretty. I am not smart. I am not good at anything.This is as good as life gets. I am a failure and it is my own fault. I have nothing left to strive for.

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