Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

October 25, 2013
By Mrs.34 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Mrs.34 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
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I love this school it's so much better than my old one, and yes I do mine if you wanted to know the name of it. That's how much that I dislike that school everyone there was mean and always fighting. But I have to say I knew that this school would be different but I wouldn't think that it would be this friendly especially the teachers.

Which brings me to my point the teacher I think that should get the teacher award should be Mrs. Sims. The reason I pick Mrs. sims is cause she always helps us with our work. No matter how much the students complain she sills takes time out her day and helps us. I think that all teachers should be more like Mrs. Sims. The reason I say that is why that she's not stressed, other teachers be stressing over nonsense.

Like she's more of a funny teacher who makes us laugh and liked to have a good time. She never likes to see her students upset about anything. Like on my first day I was thinking that man this lady is going to be mean the reason I say that is cause the other students say she's very mean. And I know how insecure of me right but once I got in there and had a class with her for two periods I notice she's actually pretty cool.

More than cool she help me pass my grad exams by giving us things to study and I really have to tell you that helped me a lot. I'm going to give her a thank you card when she's less expecting it but for now I'm just going to continue to do my work and make fantastic progress in my work. And I want to continue to listen to her stories they are very funny.

Mrs. Sims I hope you really get this award if not I'm going to be very disappointed. But like my mom always says keep your head up and never look back. So take that advice to heart and keep on going. But thank you Sims for everything, thank you.and have a great day.

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