The two sides of me | Teen Ink

The two sides of me

October 17, 2013
By smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can all ways find a simle in your day

One night is the night that everyone will remember. That night the moon exploded. Earlier that day the sun became a mother; she had twins, a boy and a girl. There names were Dark and Light. That day Sun made this thing called a satellite. It was the moon. Dark and Light both had necklaces that would magically connect when they meet again,some time in the future,because there mother had made them to fit together. Light’s necklace had a crescent moon and Dark’s had a full moon. A prophecy foretold that the twin children had to meet before their 16th birthday. Until then, they were to be separated for their own safety, so their father wouldn’t use their powers; to use their powers the twins had to be together.

Mother Sun split them up into different families. They went to the same high school. Light was a cheerleader. Dark was,well, dark. He had no friends. He spent most of his time out in the woods; he would eve sometimes sleep out there. Dark loved nature. His parents had told him he just appeared out of nowhere while they were having a picnic in the backyard; they heard some crying and fund baby Dark in a tree, as if he had fallen out of the sky and, luckily, the branches had caught him, When you couldn’t find Dark, he would be in the backyard laying under this same sycamore tree.

Light’s family said thea they found her in the hospital after their daughter had died.The doctor came in and said someone had left this little one here, and they didn’t know where or who the mother was. One day at school Light’s Friends said that she and boy named Dark, who went to there school,should meet some time. Because of this Light went up to Dark and there necklaces both started to glow. They discovered they fit together. A message appeared. It was from their mother the Sun. They both blacked out and had a flashback of the night they were separated. When they woke up, they embraced. Never again did they part. They loved each other. Till the end.

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