Dark and Deceiving | Teen Ink

Dark and Deceiving

June 30, 2013
By Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As children we were all afraid of the dark. Even some teenagers and adults still feel that creeping notion of dread when night falls. The question is, why are we afraid of the dark? The answer is simple: we are afraid of the unknown. Whether it be meeting someone for the first time or simply not seeing what is in front of us, we fear what we don't know or understand. Whenever we think of a scary environment, we usually think of someplace dark. When we think of a happy environment, we think of somewhere sunny or bright.
Instead of shunning darkness, we need to appreciate and embrace it for all of it's glory. Without darkness, we wouldn't have nearly as many scary stories to tell. Additionally, many famous stories, movies, and video games are scary or foreboding at some point. Imagine trying to play Resident Evil when the entire mansion is lit up.
Another point is that without darkness, nighttime would be nonexistent. We would have to cope with trying to sleep with the sun constantly beating down on us. There would be no shade to cool us off, no turning off the lights in a movie theater, and no effectively shielding your eyes when you look up at the sun.
In conclusion, darkness plays a vital role in everyday life, whether we like it or not. We need to stop being so afraid and let the dark be as highly praised as the light.

The author's comments:
I have never seen this point argued before, so I felt that it needed to be said.

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