Happiness | Teen Ink


May 25, 2013
By Anonymous

What triggers us to be happy? Maybe it’s acing a test or winning a game. For me happiness is summer. No homework or tests, the only thing I have to focus on is how much sleep i’m going to get. Ten more days of school and we’re out of here. It’s weird thinking that Freshman year went so fast. I mean i’m pretty sure all of us were think how high school was going to be during most of eighth grade. I had a great experience and from what i've heard, it only gets better. But that’s besides the point, lets get back to happiness. It’s a great feeling, probably everyone’s favorite. I think that what makes us happy sort of defines us as an individual. From my definition of happiness you can probably tell i’m a lazy person most of the time. Studying for a test and doing homework into the early hours of the morning isn’t exactly my favorite thing to do. For some that’s their happiness and I think that’s crazy, but they probably think my definition is horrible. Overall everyone’s definition of happiness differs a little bit and I think that’s what makes us human, the fact that we are all different in one way or another.

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