The Old and the Young | Teen Ink

The Old and the Young

May 24, 2013
By ParchmentPauper BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
ParchmentPauper BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Old Fact sits harmoniously. It isn't hard for him to sit calmly. Although it is solitary, it is good. It is absurd to think that this calm world could function normally. All throughout history,Old fact did no bad thing.

In an instant, all things known to Old Fact start to adjust. This is what Old Fact calls “Young Thought”. Young Thought is colorful. Young Thought has a glint that is unfamiliar to Old Fact. This young girl stirs a thing in Old Fact. Old Fact knows that it will occur in a small count of solar rotations.

Young Thought is trying to contact Old Fact, but cannot distinguish what is wrong. Old Fact looks inward, to find what was lost for so long. Old Fact was profoundly similar to Young Thought. His start was similar to Young Thought’s. Young Thought knows naught of what Old Fact knows, but will. Young Thought has no way of distinguishing what is going to occur amid all of Old Fact’s chorus of chaos.

Old Fact is losing ground. Old Fact is losing his mind. How could Young Thought rip apart all that Old Fact is? How could Young Thought abandon all that Old Fact has taught humanity?

Young Thought has no indication that Old Fact is losing ground. Young Thought has no indication that Old Fact is losing his mind. All that Young Thought knows is without fault. All that Young Thought knows is what Young Thought is taught. Young Thought has no want to ruin Old Fact. No, Young Thought would willingly sit with Old Fact.

Young Thought looks at Old Fact. Young Thought softly grasps his hand, and starts to walk. Old Fact is again thrown off. Old Fact has no words. Old Fact cannot fathom a world with both Old Fact and Young Thought. If a world as such did last, it must contain mass amounts of chaos and insanity.

Still, Young Thought knows that such a world will last. Old Fact thinks that Young Thought could walk with him. In truth, Old Fact wants to accompany Young Thought. In truth, Young thought wants that too.

The author's comments:
This story was originally a class assignment, but I liked it a lot so I changed it a bit to put on here. This story was written without the use of the letter "e".

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