No Dad | Teen Ink

No Dad

June 15, 2010
By RawrX3Nyah BRONZE, Westminster, California
RawrX3Nyah BRONZE, Westminster, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Having no father can be heartbreaking. I can’t go fishing, to a basketball game, or any other father/song bonding things. He won’t be asking me what my problems are or how I’m feeling. We will never have a common thing. I can never enjoy my fathers’ day with joy. I can’t just think about my self I have to think about my mom.

Not only am I sad, but my mom is also. My mom is very strong, she doesn’t care my father left us. Deep, Deep inside her I know she misses him and is scared, but she never admits it. My mom will never wake up with someone beside her. She will have no one to depend on except me. So I cant be selfish and care about only my needs I have to be strong for me and my mom.

Sometimes I wish I would one day meet my dad. My mom always said wishes come true, but I don’t believe it. If I can one day, have a chance to meet him I would be so happy. For now I will always feel lonely, I will have a piece in my that no one can fill except him.

I have no father, it’s very true,
He’s somewhere in the world where the sky is blue.
To no one he can compare too,
not just any one that my mom can sue.
We have a special bond that no one can break,
a bond so special only a father and son can create.
This is all gone now,
Once was love, now is drowned,
now I will have to live my life with my face with a frown.
By: Jonathan Nguyen Age:13 Grade:7th

The author's comments:
I will hope all of u out there, will enjoy ur time with ur dad. Charish the moments you have with him.


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I understand said...
on Feb. 14 2018 at 9:26 am
I wanna salute u for giving words to someone who's going the same situation, also one thing I can say about being a African American fatherless child is tha pain is will never stop. I'm 31 yrs of age an I haven't learn yet to forgive him.