Using Too Much Technology Makes Us Feel Alone | Teen Ink

Using Too Much Technology Makes Us Feel Alone

May 22, 2024
By 24mehhir1 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
24mehhir1 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

April 22, 2024

My screen time had gone up by four hours. As I thought about this fact, I kept scrolling on TikTok. I’d spent three hours scrolling on TikTok, and the day had just begun. I remember telling myself that I was going to limit my screen time because this feeling of addiction made me feel guilty. But as soon as I picked up that phone, I forgot everything. I scrolled for hours and hours straight without hesitation. This is a problem for many individuals, especially the younger generations who cling to their phones. 

Technology keeps us connected when we learn to use it for guidance without relying on it for everything. Without these connections, we are ultimately just people living like machines with no emotions or excitement, only emptiness. While I know that technology has gotten more advanced and our generation is nothing without it, the use of it has only made our brains emptier. Technology doesn't just have positive uses; it has eroded our social skills and isolated us to the extent that even in others' company, we still feel alone. According to research done by Discovery ABA Therapy, over 60% of adults in the United States report feeling lonely. Young adults between 18 and 22 are the loneliest age group. This is the exact age group that uses the most social media and technology today. This loneliness makes sense, as excessive technology use overwhelms their minds and leads to more isolation. Technology has uses that can destroy people mentally and emotionally, which is why it's important to use it cautiously, otherwise you'll ruin your mental health. 

Why is it that we can't seem to take our eyes off our phones? Yes, our phones have so much to offer to us, especially during the COVID-19 times, when the only source of entertainment we had was our technology. But, so does the world around us, and nothing can replace real-world interactions. It has even more to offer us. We feel more entertained over some phone where we are seeing things from far away and not even experiencing them, but when we experience those same things in real life, we feel bored. 

Well, have you ever thought about the fact that what we might be seeing on social media is just a delusion or even better, the other better half of the sad truth? People often post pictures where they appear happy, even if they are not. As Abraham Lincoln said, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.” This phrase discusses the importance of real-life experiences. Some things that the internet has to offer are not even real while life is. Open their eyes to the brightness of the real world and not their screens. According to a survey by Regis College, a study of young adults ages 19 to 32 found that individuals with higher social media usage are more than three times as likely to feel socially isolated, compared with those who use social media less frequently.

Overall, overusing technology does not benefit anyone, it hurts people, and not only young people. It applies to all age groups who are incredibly addicted to technology because it’s clear that the costs outweigh the benefits. In other words, too much technology is making our mental health weaker, and it's emotionally destroying us. As a society, we need to limit these risks by promoting face-to-face communications and setting strict limits at schools or homes for those who use their phones too much. We can also attempt to make ourselves happy with entertainment that isn't technology, like passions or hobbies.

The author's comments:

I wrote about this piece because I feel like it’s such a huge problem in our generation especially with young teens. I mean because of technology we can't even properly communicate with each other. It's very concerning to see how important the role of technology has become for people. Along with this not all things we see on social media are positive, and this affects the behavior of people that use it, especially young teens. Technology is definitely important but interacting with others and experiencing the real events in your life are also important which is why we need to limit the amount of time we spend on technology. 

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