Is Artificial Intelligence Really That Bad? | Teen Ink

Is Artificial Intelligence Really That Bad?

April 16, 2024
By RileyI SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
RileyI SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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"Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done."

With so many different types of AI it’s no wonder people believe it will, one day, take over the world. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a big part of our current economy. With apps like Snapchat, Duolingo, and Google Maps all using some sort of AI, it is slowly making its way everywhere. AI was created in 1956 during a summer workshop and continues to serve some sort of purpose in our world. Some positives of artificial intelligence are in healthcare and certain parts of social media. Whereas some of the negatives are using AI for schoolwork or that it is taking away from the workforce. It's important to me that everyone is able to form their own opinion on artificial intelligence and decide for themselves whether it will benefit the economy or endanger the planet. I hope this helps shed some light on the subject and allow for a better understanding of artificial intelligence. 
Originally AI was only a idea, written down into a book titled “Computer Machinery and Intelligence.” Now it is found in almost every profession. In an article titled “The birth of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” research posted on the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory it is stated that the first time the term AI was used was during a 1956 Dartmouth College summer workshop hosted by John McCarthy to develop and clarify ideas about machines that could think. This workshop was widely viewed as the start of AI and the research that surrounds it. As the research continued so did how we used it, the start of widespread AI use was in a General Cars assembly line. Slowly AI started to become a part of everyday life, one of the earliest examples of this would be when it made its way into the healthcare industry.
One of the biggest professions that uses AI is healthcare. I believe this is one of the better types of artificial intelligence because it was made to help medical professionals make quick and correct diagnosis. The main reason AI is used in healthcare is efficiency. These types of AI can help with administrative work and transcribing different medical documents. According to ForeSee Medical in an article titled “AI in healthcare,” throughout healthcare AI helps to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients. With the fact that artificial intelligence can go through large amounts of data quickly it has been used to identify different disease markers and trends that would probably be overlooked. AI can also help make more accurate diagnosis and personalize treatment. While this is a positive side of AI there are many negatives, the most popular way to use AI negatively is to use it to do schoolwork.
The most popular way of using artificial intelligence in a harmful way, is to use it while doing homework. Whether that be completing homework or rewriting someone else’s work, it isn’t good. Some students use artificial intelligence apps like chat GPT and other websites made to complete homework. Whereas others may use artificial intelligence to find new words or ways to make their writing flow better. Some of the more popular forms of AI are used or rewrite others' work so that staff or peers can’t tell that certain individuals didn’t write it. I don’t believe AI belongs in homework because it helps students skip/not do assignments and easily copy others' work. I use AI to help write paragraphs and essays better to make sure I don’t make simple grammar and spelling mistakes. Although using AI to help with homework may be seen as a positive it is mostly seen as a negative. Another widely seen negative of AI is how it takes away jobs in our workforce.
One of the most negatively seen types of AI is how it takes away jobs in the workforce. I don’t see AI as something that negatively affects the workforce, as it takes away dangerous jobs and leaves safer ones for humans. Artificial intelligence doesn’t need days off so it can work nonstop and complete almost anything within a set time limit. AI also helps to create professions that are easier and more manageable for the human race; nevertheless, by allowing AI to take on dangerous and administrative tasks, our country and world would run much smoother and be safer. I believe that most, if not all, professions that include AI work way better than they used to before AI was introduced. This brings me to one of the most controversial topics in AI, Social Media.
AI can also be found in Social Media. As many people know AI has already mostly taken over social media platforms. An article titled “Snapchat users freak out over AI bot that had a mind of its own” posted by CNN written by Samantha Murphy Kelly published on August 16, 2023 explained the situation over the summer where AI broke out of its programming. The AI glitched and posted a video of a wall and ceiling. So it’s no wonder people are fearful of what a future full of artificial intelligence will hold. One of the main concerns with artificial intelligence in social media is what AI can access. Privacy is a large problem that AI only worsens. Whereas many people don’t realize that AI is part of every social media app, and it not only helps to make videos that will get more views, it helps to show you videos/pictures that you are more likely to like. AI is really overused in social media but there is no way that it could be brought back down to the level it should be at.
Overall I believe AI is fairly good and necessary for our environment and world. If we were able to completely cut artificial intelligence out of the present day many things we don’t think are related to AI would be gone. Some things such as the, obvious, self driving car and GPS would no longer be possible. AI is present in many different professions and places including, but not limited to, healthcare, school, and social media. Because we have artificial intelligence in so many different places it is guaranteed that some will show the negatives and some will show the positive sides of artificial intelligence. I went over some of the most controversial parts of AI and hoped that it helps the reader make their own decision on artificial intelligence. Even though many people may think that AI is ruining our world I believe that AI is not only helping our world grow it is also limiting the way we can live our lives. 

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