What Season Do You Like Best? | Teen Ink

What Season Do You Like Best?

February 6, 2024
By ThompsonRDS BRONZE, Vanderhoof, Columbia
ThompsonRDS BRONZE, Vanderhoof, Columbia
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               What’s not to like about fall? Fall is one of the most wonderful times of the year. There are so many smells, activities, and colours that please the senses.  The weather is not too hot but not too cold. I like the other seasons too, but fall is just the perfect one. Not convinced? Well, let me take you throughout a beautiful fall day and then you can make up your mind.

                You wake up, yawn as you sit up, and stretch your arms above your head. You are so refreshed from your night of sleep, and you are ready for the day. As you look out the clean glass window you see that the sun is just coming up. It is peeking through the spruce trees at you, and it is slightly blinding if you stare at it too long. But it is so pretty with the orange, pink, red, and blue background that you have trouble taking your eyes away. It’s so warm against your face. You feel like you could sit there all morning until the sun moves away from your window. You eventually get out of bed though and go get some breakfast.

                What should you have for breakfast? You think about it for a moment and then you look around the organized kitchen and see some pumpkin spice cinnamon rolls that your mom made the night before. They are perfectly golden, and they look like if they were cooked any longer, they would spill out of the pan. There is some fresh coffee brewed that is still steaming in the pot. It sounds like a good combo. You sit down with your breakfast and dig in with a fork and knife. The cinnamon rolls are so fluffy and the cream cheese icing that is on top melts in your mouth. The coffee is brewed just the way you like it, and it is nice and warm. There was some homemade whipping cream left over from last night’s dessert because your family had guests over, so you put it in your coffee. It tastes delicious. What could be better?

                After you finish a relaxing breakfast, have a pleasant hot shower, and get ready for the day, you decide to go on a walk. You’ve put on your comfiest pair of pants which happens to be some stretchy jeans and a cozy turtleneck sweater. It’s such a lovely day outside you don’t even need a coat. Your knitted grey Penmans turtleneck sweater is warm enough. The skies are a beautiful deep blue colour, and the white clouds are fluffy like fresh cotton candy you would find at a carnival. The bright sun is still warm but not quite so pounding as in the summertime.

                You’ve decided to walk along a dirt trail that loops around back to your house. It is a tad damp from the rain a few days ago but it has dried up enough that it’s not muddy. The dampness keeps the dust down. As you walk along you close your eyes and breathe in deeply. The smell of fall always captivates you. Especially the smell of the leaves. It smells so earthy and comforting. You open your eyes and look up and around you. The leaves are all in vibrant colours of red, orange, and yellow and there are even still a few green ones. They flutter in the breeze. A few of them fall and drop at your feet. You stop to take a look at them and one of them catches your eye. You pick it up. It feels smooth between your fingers because no dirt specks are on it. It is a leaf that has all the fall colours in it. It is still green in the middle, it fades to yellow, then orange, and finally the edges of the leaf are red. You decide to take it home to put into your memory book.

                Near the end of the walking trail, you suddenly hear a noise that startles you a little bit but then you realize what it is, and you look for the noise maker. There is more than one. You look up to the sky and see that there is a large flock of geese flying south to get away from the coming snow. They are flying in a v-formation and the leader honks to the others to communicate. They honk back. You watch them until they fly out of sight. You will miss the pretty birds with their long black necks and brown feathers. The white stripe across their neck and head always added to the beauty of the bird. You continue walking along the trail until you get back home.

                Once inside you make yourself a fruit tea. Wild berry to be specific. As the glass tea kettle boils, you warm your hands by the crackling fire. The tea kettle turns off, so you go and pour the steaming hot water into your medium sized red mug. Immediately you see the water turn a dark pink from the berry infusion. It smells good like real fruit. You take a few sips from your drink, and you spot some freshly baked cookies on the counter. Gingersnaps! You grab a few with your tea and go sit down on your couch in the living room. As you sink into the comfy pillows you take the remote and search for your favorite show on the TV.

                Later, after eating your lunch snack and finishing your TV show you decide to go rake the leaves outside. Taking the green hard plastic rake you start the chore. It isn’t a hard or boring chore though. You enjoy it because afterwords you can play in the leaves. As you rake you back up and step on some more leaves. They crunch underneath your feet. What a satisfying sound. Once you finish up gathering the leaves you put the rake away. Running back to the pile of leaves you jump into them. Whoosh. There are so many leaves it is a soft cushiony landing. You look at the time. You didn’t realize how late it was! You need to go inside to help your mom prepare dinner. It is Thanksgiving today and your family is coming over!

                After washing up with soap and warm water, you go help your mom prepare dinner. As you chop up the crunchy celery, eye watering onions, bright orange carrots, and golden potatoes, and prepare the fat turkey, large ham, and moist stuffing, you visit with your mom. You have a wonderful time talking with her and then the family starts to arrive. All of you visit together and have a delicious meal that you and your mom prepared. It is lovely catching up with all your relatives.

                 Once all of your relatives leave, and all the cleanup has been done, you cuddle up on the couch with some hot chocolate, a good book, and a fuzzy blanket. You sigh contentedly. What a delightful day. Now you can relax and unwind. As you sit there you think about all that you did today. There was a beautiful sunrise this morning, you had a melt in your mouth cinnamon bun for breakfast with hot coffee, you had a relaxing morning with a hot shower, it was a lovely day outside, you saw geese fly away as you were walking down a trail with trees that had lots of leaves with vibrant colors, you had tea, cookies and watched your favorite TV show, you raked the leaves and jumped in them, you made dinner and had a conversation with your mom, and you had a great visit with your relatives! What a wonderful fall day!

                I’ve showed you what a perfect fall day would look like. I know that maybe not all of these things would take place on the same day, but they can if you plan properly. I love fall because of all the smells, tastes, sights, sounds, and feelings. I enjoy it because there is so much variety! What season do you like best?

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